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Port Royal Privateers Invade

San Juan Capistrano Mission

October 27, 2001 

October 28, 2000

October 31, 1998 (below)

(Photos submitted by Wes Stewart)

In December of 1818, Hippolyte Bouchard dropped anchor in San Juan Bay (now known as Dana Point Harbor). He sent a message up the hill to the sleepy village of San Juan Capistrano, asking for supplies. To which the reply came: the pirates might land if they please and they would give the pirates an immediate supply of powder and shot. This so incensed Bouchard that he landed with a party of 140 men and 2 cannons, and marched on the small village and Spanish mission.

Lt. Corney reports: "We found the town well-stocked with everything but money, and destroyed much wine and spirits and all the public property set fire to the king's stores, barracks, and governor's hourse, and about two o'clock we marched back though not in the order that we went, many of the men being intoxicated, and some were so much so that we had to lash them to the field pieces and drag them to the beach."

To commemorate this event, the Port Royal Privateers also invade the San Juan Capistrano Mission every year during the San Juan Capistrano Mission Pirate Festival, near the end of October.

Bouchard (center) issues a challenge to the Spanish troops (one seen at right)

One of Bouchard's men (French Louie) offers to fight one-on-one with a Spanish soldier (Francisco de la Beltraneja - right).


The fight begins.

The Spanish soldiers gets off a telling shot,
killing French Louie.





More pirates rush in, following after their leader Bouchard
(Ned Slaye, left, and Jack Cagway, right).









The Spanish try to repel the pirates, but there's just too many of them.







Bouchard leads his men in the attack.


It doesn't take long before the pirates rout the Spanish, and send them fleeing.





Due to the miracles of re-enactment,
French Louie pops to his feet after the battle,
and begins gathering up the firearms.



For invasions from more recent years:

October 27, 2001 

October 28, 2000


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