TWU Website Privacy Statement

Last Updated: Jan 04, 2006

Also see: TWU privacy policy


Trinity Western University (TWU) knows you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we'll do so carefully and sensibly. This notice describes our privacy policy. We will collect and use information through our Web site only in the ways disclosed in this statement. By visiting, you're accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice. This statement applies solely to information collected at TWUs Web site.

Part I. Information Collection and Usage

When you visit Trinity Western Universitys website, the server automatically collects a limited amount of information from your computer essential for the sites operation and security. We collect this information through the use of automatically generated server logs. Trinity Western University uses a content management system that automatically collects this information and provides us with basic website analytics. Information collected includes your computers IP address, the name of your Internet Service Provider, information concerning your browser and operating system, as well as the page visited prior to accessing Trinity's website. This information is used to perform statistical analysis of user trends and interests and to help us make this site more useful to visitors. We collect the following general data that is not personally identifiable information: trail a user follows throughout the website, number of new visitors, number of repeat visitors, IP addresses, ISP names, browser and operating system information, etc. We collect demographic data in order to assist with our website design structure by viewing in an anonymous light the path that users tend to take through our website to find the information they need. TWU does not continue tracking users after they leave our website, nor does TWU attempt to associate specific personal information with visitors, though the possibility for doing so exists. TWU is only interested in larger demographic trends in order to guide future website design and handle resource management. TWU is not interested in building an information model about you as a consumer.

In browsing the major portions of our site, users do not need to provide any personally identifiable information about themselves. However, in order to proceed through certain segments of our website, TWU collects personally identifiable information, such as when registering for an event, applying to TWU, etc. In these cases information collected could include name, age, address, spouses name and age, phone number, email address, and in cases where fees are involved, credit card number and expiration date, etc. While TWU may in some cases ask for number of children, names of children, etc, TWU does not market to minors, and we never knowingly ask a child under 13 to divulge personal information. Where financial information is requested, such as completing an online donation or paying registration fees, credit card numbers and expiration dates are required for normal, routine processing of payment.

Since the nature of is to keep you connected to your friends we do ask for personal information such as your address and phone number.  It is your choice however if you want this shown to others on the web by checking off the box indicating Show on the Web.  This information is then only available to those who are part of our community.  In addition to this information we reveal basic Yearbook type information such as when someone was a student here, when someone graduated and what degrees he /she has obtained or are working on so classmates can keep in contact with each other.  We do not reveal your email address, but rather require users to send a notice through us and you can then choose to respond or not. 

In some cases, such as click-through tracking for email messages sent to subscribers, statistics for tracking are collected by the agency TWU employs to handle the mailer client currently Their privacy statement is available at TWU denies responsibility or accountability for whatcounts.coms security. Neither Trinity Western University nor support or are involved in any form of spam mailing or information sale to commercial clients. We collect information in regards to mailings in order to provide targeted content. While in some cases TWU may store other information about an individual, providing this information is optional and it is not used to profile users.

Trinity Western University does make limited use of cookies on its Web servers in some portions of our site, but not in any manner that could impinge on your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that our Web server places on a users computer hard drive as a unique identifier. Cookies enable TWU to deliver customized content to users. Our cookies do have an expiration date; typically very shortly after the user leaves our site. Our cookies do collect personally identifiable information, as in the case of logging into a part of the website authenticated with our TWU Pass system. Without cookies, users would have to resend their information to the server every time they requested a page within an area restricted to registered users. TWU uses cookies in this case to simplify the browsing experience. For students registered in eCourses, cookies are used to track which lessons a student has accessed and how long they spent logged in and reading which articles which is then shown to the professor to see their involvement. TWU does not use cookies for any purposes other than what is listed in this document. The information we collect is not used to create customer profiles based on browsing history. We do not supplement information collected at our Web site with data from other sources. Trinity Western University is not involved in aggressive marketing practices.

Our Web site offers a message board for members of our community. Please be advised that information posted in message board venues becomes public knowledge.

Trinity Western University does not use click-traking of third-party advertising on our sites. Third parties are not privy to information collected on the TWU website. Further, we do not share data with third parties unless required by law to do so. Please note that this excludes situations where the user wishes TWU to share data with third parties, as in the case of information transfers between universities.

Occasionally on the TWU website we offer links to other Web sites. When you click on links to other Web sites, we encourage you to read their privacy policies. Their standards may differ from ours, and we can take no responsibility for information collected on other sites linked to from our site.

Users that register for events or emails will receive additional announcements from us if they so desire. Opting out of these mailings may take place at any time and links to opt out are provided within the mailings themselves. Users who opt out of the system will not be contacted again unless they sign up again for our mailings. TWU uses a double-confirmation process for new member mailings, requiring confirmation that subscribers wish to be contacted before mailings begin. TWU will not mail you unless you have responded indicating your desire to participate.

Please be advised that our privacy policy may change over time. Users are encouraged to check it regularly.

Part III. Access to Information

TWU realizes that users have a right to view information collected about them. Users may access their own personal information and contact University Administration through phone (1.604.888.7511), fax (1.604.513.2061) or email ( about inaccuracies they may find. While TWU cannot guarantee immediate compliance, we will make every effort to assure that such requests are carried out to the fullest of our ability and in a reasonable time frame. If there are any further questions regarding information usage or handling, please contact University Administration.

Part IV. Data Storage and Security

Trinity Western University is dedicated to preventing unauthorized data access, maintaining data accuracy, and ensuring the appropriate use of information. We strive to put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to secure the information we collect online. To this end we use firewalls, data disconnection from the Internet, and regular backups. If you have more concerns about how data is stored and protected at Trinity Western University, please feel free to contact University Administration through email at

Part V. Terms of Use

By using TWU web services you agree not to use this service to do any of the following:

  • Harass, stalk, defame, abuse, threaten or otherwise violate a persons legal rights including their privacy rights.
  • Mass collect information about others (harvest), including e-mail addresses, mailing address and phone numbers.
  • Create a false identity for the purpose of misleading others.
  • Impersonate someone else.
  • Promote or Post any profane, harassing, threatening, obscene, defamatory, unlawful, vulgar, hateful, or indecent material.
  • Promote or Post any files that contain images or software protected by intellectual property laws, copyright or trademark laws without proper permission from the owner.
  • Upload files that contain viruses, worms, or any similar program that may cause harm to anothers computer or data.
  • Use our web systems in connection with junk email, pyramid schemes, chain letters, or spamming
  • Prevent another user from accessing the site or the tools therein.
  • Attempt to hack into, deny service to, or disrupt service to any TWU web system.
  • Promote, Post, or Participate in any activity in violation of our Community Standards.

TWU reserves the right to remove any information deemed inappropriate or infraction of these terms of use at its sole discretion.  TWU also reserves the right to terminate anyones access to our services without notice, at any time, for any reason.