Yoo Can't Be Serious

Former Bush administration torture enabler John Yoo mocks Democratic voting blocs of non-high school graduates and people with graduate diplomas:

Postgraduates, by which I believe the AEI analysts mean those with something more than a bachelor’s degree, were 20 percent of the electorate. They went for Democrats by 52 to 46 percent. No surprise there. Obama, after all, is himself a creature of the university ecosystem, and the way he talks reminds me of nothing more than a professor at a faculty meeting talking about changes to the grading curve. All those folks out there with M.A.’s and Ph.D.’s know one of their own when they see one.
Voters without a high-school diploma were only 3 percent of the electorate, and they voted Democratic 60 to 36 percent. Presumably, this group benefits the most from the redistribution of income going on under the Obama administration.
Everyone else (high-school grads, some college, college degrees) voted Republican. Democrats lost the middle class and more.
I’ve been trying to figure out what this means (aside from the amazing educational achievements of the electorate — 97 percent had a high-school degree or more). Does it mean that the over-educated have no more common sense than those with no education? Does it mean that Obama only really appeals to the extremes of the educational distributional curve, because neither end is really responsible for making ends meet and balancing budgets?

Wow. Yoo seems to think that everybody with a post-graduate degree is still in academia, and that none of them went on to the business world. (Somebody should familiarize him with obscure job categories like "doctor" and "lawyer," as well as the concept of "business school.") More amazingly, he seems to believe that people without high school degrees don't have to "make ends meet." Apparently this burden is reserved for the poor, suffering top 1% of the population contemplating the return of Clinton-era tax rates.

More Articles On: John Yoo
11/15/2010 - 5:19pm EDT |

And then we hear his ilk saying Democrats are "elitists". Sheesh.

11/15/2010 - 5:24pm EDT |

In Yoo's defense, he did frame it as a question. And to answer his question: No.

11/15/2010 - 5:47pm EDT |

Yoo is a man of enormous self-confidence. And it can be disarming. Listen to him discuss torture. It's not that he defends it (he doesn't); he simply deduces it out of the way. Lawyers are trained in deductive (and also inductive) reasoning; Yoo takes it to its logical (or illogical) conclusion. What an enigma. My impression is that he is extremely intelligent, but hasn't learned anything since he became an adult. Similar to those who are brilliant but have no judgment.

11/15/2010 - 5:52pm EDT |

Anyway, how much does Yoo's pimp charge for a legal opinion?

11/15/2010 - 5:58pm EDT |

Thank God for John Yoo; it's about time that good, upstanding Yale-educated professors at Berkeley take a stand against the parasitical academic coastal elites.

11/15/2010 - 6:13pm EDT |

Other happy news for Yoo, the Chinese Government has awarded him the shiny new "best promoter of legalized torture" award.

11/15/2010 - 6:16pm EDT |

When I want John Yoo's opinion, I'll torture it out of him.

11/15/2010 - 6:19pm EDT |

santoast - bravo.

11/15/2010 - 6:23pm EDT |

Jesus what an a-hole.

11/15/2010 - 7:04pm EDT |

Could he have stuck to writing memos than speaking extemp? His memos speak much louder and more clearly what he believes than his utterances. At least then, too, he had a real job.

11/15/2010 - 7:10pm EDT |

One can always tell a right-wing academic by the extensive word count of their sarcasms. Liberal academics used to have a rep for that, too. Now they speak in a more refined and educated manner. The pendulum ever swinging.

11/15/2010 - 7:10pm EDT |

Meanwhile his buddy Jay Bybee is on the 9th Circuit.

11/15/2010 - 8:41pm EDT |

The man is a war criminal and should be in jail. He brings shame upon the entire legal profession.

11/15/2010 - 11:16pm EDT |

Sometimes you read something so outrageously hypocritical that the only thing you feel like saying is something that won't pass muster on these pages ... so I'll let it go.

11/15/2010 - 11:47pm EDT |

"neither end is really responsible for making ends meet and balancing budgets"

A Ph.D. running a lab has to obsess frantically over grants and budgets, not to mention having to pay the mortgage and put food on the table like anyone else. Does he think academics drink from some sort of money fountain?

Also, as someone who's basically been in the lab since around noon Sunday, I'm really in no mood to read about how cushy and stress-free academia is.

11/16/2010 - 3:03am EDT |

I'm curious as to why his Berkeley Law colleagues saw fit to hire him. I mean, is his take on constitutional rights and privileges something so thrilling and innovatve that they had to have this guy? Is having advised the president on torture by way of fudgy memos like having argued Brown vs. Board of Education? Is some new work in the field likely to be expected from Yoo that will shift legal thinking?

11/16/2010 - 6:31am EDT |

Ohhh this is fun.


How come so many seniors who are on government assistance and get far more back than they ever paid into it vote for the GOP?

How come so many "Red" states that are subsidized by blue states in the balance of payments to the Federal Governmnet vote GOP?

Is it because they are pampered and can afford to live with bumper stickers rather than reality?

See how easy these things can be....Maybe it would be better if Yoo didn't open up that can of worms.

11/16/2010 - 9:46am EDT |

OK, MikeB, I'll bite.


11/16/2010 - 9:50am EDT |

wait, this is the John Yoo who has a JD from yale?

11/16/2010 - 9:54am EDT |

Sorry, let me try this again.

>>How come so many seniors who are on government assistance and get far more back than they ever paid into it vote for the GOP?

Sexting and soul patches. No approval, whatsoever. Oh, and the shack-up thing. Can't forget that.

>>How come so many "Red" states that are subsidized by blue states in the balance of payments to the Federal Governmnet vote GOP?

See above. Also, in addition to population density factors, a hefty portion of the top 1% of income earners live in the nation's urban population and economic centers, ie cities the "Blue" states. These folks not only subsidize their own states, but the entire country, as well.

>>Is it becaus ... view full comment

11/16/2010 - 11:09am EDT |

Wait are you saying that Yoo is wrong? That people are voting GOP out of cultural resentment?
Who would have thought?

You mean the states with the highest teen pregnancy rates as well as other things are tired of the no good liberal morality of the blue states?

So all those subsidies to farmers for instance have nothing to do with it?

I dare say Lisa M. is winning in Alaska because she was honest enough to remind the rugged individualists up there how much they are subsidized by Washington and how that could be in danger.

11/16/2010 - 1:33pm EDT |

John Yoo is a self-parody.

11/16/2010 - 5:06pm EDT |

In Yoo's defense, at least he isn't pimping torture, anymore.

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