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Benny Ron

Genetically Engineered Salmon Eggs Designed to Grow on Land

(photo by tetsuzanbennyron)

As a result of pressure by the public and consumers more salmon farms are going up stream to set their operations on land while others are practicing closed containers in the marine environment. A few examples can be found at DeVine Industries that tested land-base salmon system in Florida and Michigan, AgriMarine in Vancouver and AquaBounty in Massachusetts.

The latter are using genetically engineered Atlantic salmon eggs that were specifically designed for growing the fish on land-base aquaculture operations. Since the eggs are all triploid females the mature fish that will developed from them are all sterile (triploid means 3 sets of DNA - see more explanation at the footnote below the article). Their genes are modified to produce double the amount of growth hormone (GH) in order to shorten the rearing period of the fish to only 18 months. Triploid fish, which are all sterile, are being produced by geneticists way back when before anyone knew how to modify and engineer genes. You can do by chromosome set manipulation. You can read about all these techniques in the book "New technologies in aquaculture" (click here to learn more about t....

The purpose of using the triploid technique is to maximize the efficiency during the rearing process by directing the energy coming from the feed to go into developing the muscles of the animal and to stop the fish from investing energy in their sex organs and courtship. In addition, in case fish escape from the tank or the cage to the stream or sea they will not continue to reproduce in nature.

The growth hormone modification is being done by inserting a Chinook salmon gene that has DNA properties of another species into Atlantic salmon, which enable the latter to produce growth hormone in fish even when grown in very cold water. These fish are called AquAdvantage Salmon or AAS and a Massachusetts company already requesting FDA approval to market the AAS for more than 10 years. If this will happened it will be a real breakthrough in the thinking since the American Congress did not yet dealt or passed any law concerning genetically engineered organism.
Polyploidy occurs in cells and organisms when there are more than two paired (homologous) sets of chromosomes. Most organisms are normally diploid, meaning they have two sets of chromosomes — one set inherited from each parent (to read more click here).

Tags: AAS, America, AquAdvantage, AquaBounty, Atlantic, Chinook, Congress, DNA, FDA, GH


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Mike McCallum Comment by Mike McCallum on November 23, 2010 at 8:08am
Step one, protect natural stocks. What is the species they are inserting?

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