Accueil Celestial rotations Geomagnetism Geoelectrostatics Sismo-previsions Climatology Gravitation Anti-matter

Aircraft crashes by electro-positive thunderbolts. The crash of the  Airbus RIO-PARIS at the rubric GEOELECTROSTATICS


Why the severe frosts of november and probably december 2010 ? Explanation by the depletion of solar flares at CLIMATOLOGY.


With GOOGLE search COSMO-ELECTROSTATICS-SUN : between 4 millions of references you find at first our two sites (about 100 visits/day). They are the birth of a new sector in astrophysics, the COSMO-ELECTROSTATICS, totally neglected in the 20.century. The Sun is the motor of a gigantic POSITIVE electrostatic machine because electrons are evacuated in the galactic space by UV and gamma rays (Compton effect). For the first time we have a clear explanation of the solar wind, an electropositive plasma ejected in compensation for the loss of electrons. Now it is also clear why the ionosphere and the atmosphere contain an excess of +charges. The electric emissions of the Sun explain many major troubles in CLIMATOLOGY. Electrostatic forces are sometimes stronger than the gravitation ( quasars, supernovae, electrostatic ejection of the Moon, etc.)

We see here the importance of GOOGLE for the progress of sciences : we hope to overcome the dogma of the electric GEOCENTRISM in some years. The geometric geocentrism dominated during 17 centuries, in spite of the work of Aristarque of Samos.  

Jean Martin MEUNIER, ex CNRS researcher, ex secretary of the French section of IAGA ( International association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy). The Nobel prices Alfred KASTLER and Louis NEEL  were members of this section, at that time.


SUMMER DROUGHT  and HEATWAVE for july 2010 : why ? , see herby at CLIMATOLOGY and with google at POES-RECENT DATA.



"The Earth is at the centre of the Universe ;  stars rotate around it , fixed on cristal spheres"  : Middle Age astronomers

"The Earth is at the electric potential ZERO. Electrostatic forces cannot exist,they would be too strong" : 20.century astronomers

Hereafter the new COSMO-ELECTROSTATICS explaining simply the universal dynamics, better than a lot of chimeras.

For instance the SOLAR WIND , an electropositive plasma of protons ejected by the Sun  + charged by billions of coulombs (Svante ARRHENIUS).A consequence before your nose : each cm3 of air has an excess of 100 +charges (never explained).  

CONTINENTAL DRIFT or PLATE TECTONICS ?  Alfred WEGENER ridiculed (1930-1965) then betrayed. Why he was globally right : see herby at CELESTIAL ROTATIONS


Global warming : polemic by the book of Claude Allègre "l'imposture climatique" Plon edit.2010 : why not temperatures data at different depths in the soil (automatic smoothing of the diurnal, seasonal waves ) Data in a borehole of 17m in the loess...With google see COSMOELECTROSTATICS, rubric CLIMATOLOGY.


White dwarfs-Fast rotating binaries. Rotations by ---a/ the electrostatic attraction of a koino-matter star (charged+) and a anti-matter star (charged -)    ---b/ by the joined Compton and Doppler effects resulting from the intense gamma rays of the annihilation.

FINAL RESULT : formation of a PULSAR and a ANTI-PULSAR . A clear analogy with the formation of an electron and a positron. Separation by antigravitation acting on condensated matter.



A new storm aroud 12 feb.2010 ? see the evolution of the startospheric JETSTREAMS hereby at CLIMATOLOGY. Other explanations at ASTROMETEO-CLIMATOLOGIE-PREVISION METEO (see with Google)


Proofs of the relation  Mid-latitude storms and anomalous solar flares : with google see COSMOELECTROSTATICS-CLIMATOLOGY

DANGER : INONDATIONS suite à la fonte rapide des neiges, par des fronts pluvieux induits par le vent solaire cf CLIMATOLOGY



By the selective evacuation of electrons accelerated by the stellar radiations (Compton effect) the Universe is composed of several ELECTROSTATIC machines. Positive charges accumulate in the stars and their planetary system. The solar wind is an electropositive plasma which evacuates the excess of +charges from the Sun.So is explained for the first time the +300 000V of the ionosphere and the global +charge of our atmosphere (about + 10 millions of coulombs).

Negative charges  (electrons) accumulate in the galactic equatorial plane. They rotate by the centripetal attraction of the  +galactic bubble and by the force resulting from the radiation "pressure" , indeed the joined Compton + Doppler  effects (Meunier,1991) : electrons receive more energy in the direction of their motion than they loose in the opposite direction. This explains simply the fantastic angular speed of the millisecond pulsars. We consider that the encounter with a galactic cloud of electrons  induces the glaciations.

The consequences of the new COSMOELECTROSTATICS are countless. The most important is probably a new basic theory of the atmosphere in which  electricity is not a secondary aspect , but the main motor of the dynamics. For instance many winds are electrostatic waves; as shown hereby at CLIMATOLOGY  and at the site , the extra- tropical storms, like those of dec.1999 are induced by jets of solar protons. The new theory supposes  the economic production of artificial rains.

More explanations in several COSMO & HELIOMETEO , bulletins of ARFA 1950 to 2010 (last n°125, dec 2009). Also with Google see HELIOMETEO or ASTROMETEO , or SISMO-PREVISION etc.

Best wishes for 2010 . Jean Martin MEUNIER , president of ARFA  -



METHANE BUBBLES preceeding EARTHQUAKES : with Google see IFREMER-PROJET BOB. A better approach by an additional observation of EARTHCURRENTS. See hereafter at SISMO-PREVISIONS.


SEISMIC  CRISES  of sept.29/30 and oct.7/8 : clear correlations with the solar wind depletions. Explanations hereby at SISMO-PREVISIONS and at SWEPAM-SOLAR WIND-3 DAYS (search with Google).


Electrostatic forces in astronomy and geophysics. A fundamental new approach of the forces in the Universe result from the acceleration of the electrons (sometimes to 300 000km/s) by the stellar UV and X rays (Compton effect). So stars, planets, galactic centres are always electropositive.  In compensation of the loss of electrons, protons must also be evacuated, sometimes progressively in the solar wind, or by  fantastic explosions as shown by the recent gamma ray telescopes. Surely also, as claimed by the Nobel price Hannes ALFVEN, the annihilation MATTER-ANTIMATTER must be the cause of many cosmic explosions. The annihilation PULSAR - ANTIPULSAR may explain the explosions shown for instance in Science et Vie july 2009 p 65. (see our theory hereby). But always it is an electrostatic explosion ...Keep in mind that the electrostatic force is 10E36 (billions of billons...)  stronger than the gravitation.



SEIMIC CRISIS and CYCLONES from august 9 , 2009 . More about their prevision hereby at SISMO-PREVISIONS


The new COSMO-ELECTROSTATICS introduces ELECTROSTATIC FORCES everywhere in our Universe, the galaxies, the solar system,the terrestrial atmosphere, crust and mantle.

WHY ? because electrons are evacuated by UV,X and gamma rays (Compton effect) so that + charges accumulate in the galaxies, the stars, the planets...

In the galaxies, the electrostatic forces are both repulsive or attractive. In a first time stars are ejecteted from the + nucleus and produce the  arms of the spiral galaxies. But these arms become progressively electro-negative by the clouds of electrons rotating around the + nucleus. So galactic spirals are  again attracted both by the gravitation and the electrostatic attraction .


La répulsion électrostatique explique simplement l'évolution depuis la galaxie sphérique vers la galaxie elliptique ou vers la galaxie spirale. Dans ce cas les bras sont des éjections de dizaines de milliards d'étoiles . Par la suite ces bras deviennent électro-négatifs par absorption  des immenses nuages d'électrons entourant la galaxie. Ces nuages se mettent à tourner sous l'action de l'attraction du noyau + de la galaxie et de l'accélération des électrons par le rayonnement UV, X et gamma ( association des effets Compton et Doppler, Meunier,1991) (voir ci-joint à la rubrique CELESTIAL ROTATIONS) .

La galaxie spirale barrée ( barred spiral galaxy)  (ci-dessus à droite) résulte de la division du noyau après émission des bras spirales.



The consideration of electrostatic forces, often more important than the gravitation, leads to clear and new explanations of many facts in astronomy,geophysics, geology, meteorology etc.Moreover new  solutions may result for some important practical problems like the precise earthquake prediction , the artificial rain, etc...

The gigantic clouds of electrons in the equatorial plane of our Galaxy are well known by their magnetic field (see at GEOMAGNETISM). During its rotation in this plane (period : 250 My) the solar system oscillates from north to south and south to north with a period of 2 x 33 Millions years. It is not fortuitous that  33 My is nearby the mean duration of geological eras, because the encounter with clouds of electrons produces a glaciation and a sea regression. Presently the solar system goes northward with a speed of 19 km/s. Next encounter with a cloud of electrons in 30 000 years ( following the Doppler shift of their radio-emissions). Then again the northern hemisphere will be more affected by the glaciation than the Antarctic...

The fundamental book of Albert NODON "L'action électrique du Soleil" 1910 leads to some clear ideas in climatology (with Google search ASTROMETEO-HELIOMETEO-MEUNIER). We  suppose that the key word is variability of the ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRIC FIELD : (about 110 V/m) and so of the potential of the ionosphere (about +300 000V). Decreases of this field (by solar or galactic electrons) induce descending stratospheric cold air masses. Increases induce ascending wet air masses, more clouds ans so more greenhouse effect. Solar flares emit mainly protons which increase the ionospheric potential.


AIRBUS 330 crash related to earthquakes at the mid-atlantic ridge ? the hypothese of Ronald KAREL supported by the new electrostatics of the Earth and its ionosphere : see at the rubric SISMO-PREVISION. Other arguments also given at several sites: with Google search EARTHQUAKE-MEUNIER.

The solar system and our Galaxy are positively charged, by Compton evacuation of the electrons into the intergalactic space. Electric forces, specialy the electrostatic repulsion, are much more important than the gravitation

Le système solaire et notre Galaxie sont chargés positivement par évacuation des électrons dans l'espace intergalactique (effet Compton). Les forces électriques, tout spécialement la répulsion électrostatique, jouent un rôle plus important que la gravitation

Formation of galaxies : new ideas ?

in Science & Vie of june 2009, Valérie Greffoz reports about a new scenario for the formation of galaxies, by Avishai Dekel  and Romain Tessier. Our new cosmo-electrostatics agrees with the idea that it begins by accretion of cold gas  , but the fundamental new point is not considered in the article : the arms of spiral galaxies are EJECTIONS of matter (billions of stars) by the electrostatic repulsion . This is very clear for the barred spiral galaxies (SBa, SBb) as shown in our rubric GEOELECTROSTATICS.



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bulletMeunier Jean-Martin, 23 rue du fossé, 68110 ILLZACH



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