IMDb Content Licensing

Power your movie, television or celebrity project by licensing access to the world’s most authoritative movie & television database. IMDb commercial licensing customers include: movie studios, cable companies, websites, retailers, software developers, electronics manufacturers, mobile application creators, and more. Whether you're looking to enhance your existing venture or launch a new project, IMDb has the content you need to attract new visitors and grow your business.

IMDb Content Includes:

Movies & Television Titles: Cast & Crew Details, User Ratings, Plot Summaries, Video Product Info and more.

Celebrities & Crew Names: Filmography Credits, Biographies, Birthdays, Nicknames and more.

Other Licensing Details:

Minimum Price: We offer data licensing packages that are customized to meet your needs with annual fees ranging from $15,000 to higher depending on the audience for the data and which data are being licensed. We are not able to offer any sort of data license for less than $15,000.

Data Delivery: Licensed data is delivered via a web service which provides customers with real-time access to XML structured data. We do not provide static, flat data feeds. In order to access IMDb’s licensed data, you will need to be able to implement a web service by using protocols such as SOAP, REST or Query. Licensing customers usually update their data set once per week, though more frequent updates may be available if required.

Restrictions: IMDb does not exchange content or enter into partnerships in exchange for rev-share, cost-per-click, "branding opportunities" or in return for traffic back to Additionally, IMDb will not authorize our data to be re-distributed or sub-licensed to another third party.

If you have additional questions about IMDb licensing, please see this list of frequently asked questions.

to tell us more about your commercial licensing needs.

For inquiries to use IMDb content for non-commercial purposes, please visit our Non-Commercial Licensing page.