Reason Magazine

Weapons of Mass Consumption

Greg Beato | January 14

Has modern technology ruined our self-control?

Radio Theater

Jesse Walker | February 2011

Some prominent Republicans say they want to defund National Public Radio. We’ve heard that line before.

Friday Funnies

Henry Payne | January 14

Sign of the times

The Green Hornet

Kurt Loder | January 13

Seth Rogen stars as Seth Rogen in another misbegotten comic-book flick.

Frame On

Peter Suderman | January 13

What the political class doesn’t get about Jared Lee Loughner.

Reason TV: Former LA Mayor Richard Riordan on Schwarzenegger, Unions, and Bankrupt Cities

January 13

Same as the Old Boss?

John Stossel | January 13

Don't count on the GOP to shrink the size of government

When Booze Was Banned but Pot Was Not

Jacob Sullum | February 2011

What can today’s antiprohibitionists learn from their predecessors?

Why Gun Control (Still) Won't Work

Steve Chapman | January 13

Restricting the Second Amendment is not the answer to the Tucson shootings.

Can We Trust the GOP?

Veronique de Rugy | February 2011

The Republicans have retaken the House, but that doesn’t mean you should expect the government to get any smaller. Delta Smelt and Undocumented Farm Workers: How Federal Policy Is Failing California's Central Valley

January 12

This "Conversation" Is a Set-Up

David Harsanyi | January 12

Political rhetoric is not the problem.

The Lone Gunman Theory of Legislation

Jacob Sullum | January 12

The perils of letting armed lunatics drive public policy

Just Your Typical Would-Be Assassin

Ronald Bailey | January 11

Tuscon shooter Jared Loughner fits the profile of a killer. But not in the way you might think. 5 Rules for Coping with Tragedy

January 11

Hating the "Sinner"

David Harsanyi | January 11

Gay marriage and social conservatism

The View From the Sidelines

Matt Welch | February 2011

The pros and cons of political self-marginalization

Grading the Governors in 2010

January 10

Q&A with Chris Edwards

The Year in Clemency

Radley Balko | January 10

The major pardon and commutation stories of 2010

Irrationality in Football and Politics

Steve Chapman | January 10

Is it time for a change?

Beware Bipartisan School Reform

Katherine Mangu-Ward | January 7

If everybody on the Hill is happy, Americans probably shouldn't be.

Latin America Needs Free Trade & Drug Legalization

January 7

The WSJ's Mary Anastasia O'Grady on promoting progress in a troubled region.

The Price of Dissent in Putin's Russia

Cathy Young | January 7

Moscow doubles down on its prosecution of oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Season of the Witch

Kurt Loder | January 7

Nicolas Cage, cursed again.

Friday Funnies

Henry Payne | January 7

A new year for airport security

Defending the Right to Offend

Michael C. Moynihan | January 6

The never-ending assault on free expression Slashing Spending in Post-Soviet Slovakia - Q&A with Richard Durana

January 6

Prohibitionists: Leave Us Alone!

John Stossel | January 6

The government has no business attacking caffeinated alcoholic drinks

The Return of the Minivan

Steve Chapman | January 6

From soccer moms to Generation X

January 2011
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  • Radio Theater
    Jesse Walker | February 2011

    Some prominent Republicans say they want to defund National Public Radio. We’ve heard that line before.

  • Frame On
    Peter Suderman | January 13, 2011

    What the political class doesn’t get about Jared Lee Loughner.

  • Same as the Old Boss?
    John Stossel | January 13, 2011

    Don't count on the GOP to shrink the size of government

  • Why Gun Control (Still) Won't Work
    Steve Chapman | January 13, 2011

    Restricting the Second Amendment is not the answer to the Tucson shootings.

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