Posted By Marc Lynch Share

For the last few weeks, a massive wave of protests has been rocking Tunisia over the Ben Ali regime's alleged corruption, authoritarianism, and economic failings. A grisly suicide attack on a Coptic Christian Church in Alexandria on New Year's Day has sparked escalating worries about the state of Christian-Muslim relations in Egypt. Over the last few days, Jordanian security forces have struggled to put down riots in the southern town of Maan, the latest in an increasingly worrisome trend towards local violence and clashes. Kuwaiti politics continue to be roiled by the fallout from the Dec. 8 attack by security forces against law professor Obaid al-Wasimi and a group of academics and parliamentarians. What do these have in common?

These four seemingly unrelated incidents over the last month all draw attention to the accelerating decay of the institutional foundations and fraying of the social fabric across many of the so-called "moderate," pro-Western Arab regimes. What seems to link these four ongoing episodes, despite the obvious differences, is a combination of authoritarian retrenchment, unfulfilled economic promises, rising sectarianism at the popular level, and deep frustration among an increasingly tech-savvy rising generation. The internal security forces in these states remain powerful, of course, and it's unlikely that any of the regimes will fall any time soon (though some analysts seem more enthusiastic about the prospects for change in Tunisia). But even if these upgraded authoritarians can keep hold of power, there's a palpable sense that these incidents represent the leading edge of rising economic, social and political challenges which their degraded institutions are manifestly unable to handle.

Stalled politics and authoritarian retrenchment certainly plays a role in this institutional decay, as entrenched elites have proven skilled at manipulating elections to maintain their hold on power and opposition movements have largely failed to figure out effective ways to organize and maintain serious challenges. Jordan and Egypt have both recently completed disappointing parliamentary elections, which drew boycotts from crucial political sectors in each case and attracted little enthusiasm from even those who took part. The impressive protest wave in Tunisia comes despite the near complete absence of democratic institutions and fierce government repression of public freedoms. Kuwait has evolved probably the most interestingly contentious democratic institutions in the Gulf -- indeed, the efforts of its Parliament to hold the government accountable for the attack on its MPs bucks the regional trend by strengthening rather than weakening the role of the elected Parliament and formal political institutions.

These four events hitting at roughly the same time, for all their differences, seem to crystallize a long-developing sense that these regimes have failed to meaningfully address this relentlessly building wave of troubles. For years, both Arab and Western analysts and many political activists have warned of the urgent need for reform as such problems built and spread. Most of the Arab governments have learned to talk a good game about the need for such reform, while ruthlessly stripping democratic forms of any actual ability to challenge their grip on power. Economic reforms, no matter how impressive on paper, have increased inequality, undermined social protections, enabled corruption, and failed to create anything near the needed numbers of jobs. Western governments have tried through a wide variety of means to help promote reform, but not really democracy since that would risk having their allied regimes voted out of power -- the core hypocrisy at the heart of American democracy promotion efforts of which every Arab is keenly aware. Obama talking more about democracy in public, which seems to be the main concern of many of his critics, isn't really going to help.

It would be good if these incidents served as a wake-up call to Arab regimes, but they probably won't. The tactical demands of holding on to power will likely continue to stand in the way of their engaging in the kinds of strategic reforms needed for long-term stability. Meanwhile, the energy and desperation across disenfranchised but wired youth populations will likely become increasingly potent. It's likely to manifest not in organized politics and elections, but in the kind of outburst of social protest we're seeing now in Tunisia.... and, alarmingly, in the kinds of outburst of social violence which we can see in Jordan and Egypt. Whether that energy is channeled into productive political engagement or into anomic violence would seem to be one of the crucial variables shaping the coming period in Arab politics. Right now, the trends aren't in the right direction.



12:37 AM ET

January 6, 2011


A Lynch article on ME issues that doesn't fault Israel first. Or even at all.



3:37 AM ET

January 6, 2011

Just like home

This is all just as true of the US now. Think:

"Economic reforms, no matter how impressive on paper, have increased inequality, undermined social protections, enabled corruption, and failed to create anything near the needed numbers of jobs. Western governments have tried through a wide variety of means to help promote reform, but not really democracy since that would risk having their allied regimes voted out of power -- the core hypocrisy at the heart of American democracy"

What those regimes do with our teaching is not some hypocritical lesser version of what we believe in. It is what we do to ourselves here at home.

It will bring them down. It will do the same here. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.



4:14 AM ET

January 6, 2011

something missing

to some extent i agree with him but the facts mentioned is this article may be the fuel but the spark that cause the fire most probably is from foreigners " the close timing really suggest the conspiracy theory". although u can't blame the fuel 4 z fire but u have to blame those who spell the fuel



5:24 AM ET

January 6, 2011

Leaders for life

That’s a precise summary Marc! These authoritarian regimes are not interested in political reform and focus their energy on strengthening their police and security forces at the expense of promoting and supporting civil institutions. They have consistently over-promised and under-delivered. The leaders of these countries are not democratically elected and are only supported by the USA and other powers for the sake of stability. These regimes’ approach to stability is clearly through suppression of freedoms and brutal police force such as those dished out in Jordan by the Darak forces! The Wikileaks cables from Tunisia and Jordan, for example, demonstrate a very good understanding by USA diplomats of the local issues and political dynamics in these two countries, and provide good description of how the likes of King Abdullah of Jordan is genuinely un-interested in the welfare of his people. I agree with your view that this is a short-sighted foreign policy by the USA and that a more sustainable policy is required to ensure that true democratic reform is achieved – otherwise the status quo of incompetent “leaders for life” in these countries will continue un-opposed!



2:50 PM ET

January 6, 2011

There are legitimate human

There are legitimate human rights and progressive pro-democracy elements in these countries, but radical Islamic majorities in these countries keep the authorities cautious about reform.



2:57 PM ET

January 6, 2011

Good piece Marc though it is

Good piece Marc though it is a re-read of Arab politics and brings no new insights on what's been going on for decades.
At this time, all the sides of the equation operate outside the conventional political dynamics: the West, as you stated, is becoming cold to the idea of political liberalization for fear of losing stability and patronage, Arab opposition forces are weak and heavily crashed by unforgiving security apparatuses, and the Arab regimes themselves ride on such international complaisance and rely upon police brutality to get away with power and extortion of national wealth...
Just like the sudden outburst of events in Tunisia, I guess one should wait and see what the future might bring to the region. As much as these regimes function and survive through random means (i.e. politics of deception and maneuvering of public opinion) , perhaps the response to those regimes might also be as random (i.e. would come out of sudden, unorganized popular uprising) that might put an end to these decades of political circus!



5:03 PM ET

January 6, 2011

what strikes me

. . . about this is the absence of news coverage in the US. It all feeds the ignorance and indifference of the Americans to global events.

If only that translated itself into non-intervention!



7:12 PM ET

January 6, 2011

What's clearly overlooked here

Is the real root cause of every failure to succeed in the Islamic world - Zionist meddling.


Marc Lynch is associate professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University.

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