
  • [OXBOW]

    Water Hazard on the Plains

    Two years ago, floodwaters from the Red River of the North nearly wiped out the tiny city of Oxbow. Now a new plan to save nearby Fargo, N.D., from floods imperils Oxbow again.

Turmoil in Egypt

World News

Politics & Policy

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    Florida Governor Aims to Sell Budget

    Gov. Rick Scott is pushing to slash spending, cut property and corporate income taxes and overhaul state government, making Florida an example of limited government.

Elections 2010

  • [congage]

    Capitol's Age Pyramid

    The 111th Congress, which convened in 2009, is among the oldest in U.S. history. See detailed data since 1948 by Congress, house and party.

  • [racesrecap]

    The New House

    Compare results of the 2010 midterm election to the 2008 House of Representatives and see how economics and the health-care vote may have affected mood in some races.

  • [ExitPollPromo]

    Exit Polls: Casting Ballots in 2010 and 2008

    In midterm elections Nov. 2, voters handed control of the House of Representatives to the Republican Party. See how race, gender, key issues and other factors affected voters' choices and compare to 2008 presidential exit polls.

  • [housemap_promo]

    Full Results by State

    Track state-by-state results at the district and county levels for House, Senate and governors' races. Also, access full lower-level race data.

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