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Ken Buck Is Third Leg Of Tea Party Triumvirate

First Posted: 08-11-10 11:57 AM   |   Updated: 08-12-10 11:35 AM

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Ken Buck

Republicans on Tuesday night experienced the third leg of what is being pegged as the "Tea Party Triple Crown" when local Attorney General Ken Buck pulled off an upset over former Lt. Gov Jane Norton in the Colorado Republican Senate primary.

The headlines seemed to write themselves with visions of another Sharron Angle or Rand Paul seeping into the heads of the political commentariat. And, not surprisingly, opposition researchers quickly provided reporters with instances in which Buck echoed some of the more outlandish positions that have come to define his Kentucky and Nevada Republican counterparts respectively.

Buck's been a vocal critic of the Department of Education, arguing that policy decisions in this field should be left to local politicians. "We need to get the federal government out of education," he once declared.

He has also called Social Security a "horrible policy" that would "bankrupt" the country within a 10-to-25 year window. "I don't know that the federal government should be involved in a retirement plan," he said at a Constitutionalist Today Forum in March 2010. "It should be a plan that certainly, once people pay into it, they have an expectation of getting a retirement and they're entitled to that. But the idea that the federal government should be running health care or retirement or any of those programs is fundamentally against what I believe."

He's best known, perhaps, for his tough take on immigration policy. Buck has stated his support for the tough set of laws passed (only to be overruled) in Arizona. He has suggested that the 14th Amendment's right to citizenship for those born in the United States be modified to exclude children of illegal immigrants. And as the District Attorney in Weld County he made his name for the campaigns he launched to crack down on undocumented workers. Buck engineered a successful effort to get an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office opened in a local city ("the cavalry is coming!" he declared at the time) only to apologize to the Hispanic community for not consulting with them first. "I have made some serious mistakes," Buck said.

But for all the Tea Party planks in his policy platforms, Buck's rise to political prominence doesn't seem easy to distill into conventional definitions. While he has embraced the Tea Party label, his biography reflects more of an insider elitism than anti-establishment sentiment. He graduated from Princeton University, where he wrote his thesis on Saudi Arabian history. From there he was recruited to serve under then-Congressman Dick Cheney to work on the Iran-contra investigation in 1986. After that stint he essentially stayed on the taxpayer's payroll, working for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Colorado before he was a D.A.

"He has been a government attorney since 1988," Norton charged in a mid-July interview. "He's been in the system -- his wife was a vice chairman of the [state] Republican Party for eight years."

Story continues below

Having establishment ties isn't the only anti-Tea Party feature in Buck's personal resume. Though he doesn't go so far as to call for state-sponsored religion, Buck has called for a "much closer relationship" between church and state -- the type of social conservative red meat that could put him at odds with a sizeable chunk of the Tea Party crowd.

"I think that the general ideology of the Tea party is not a Christian one," David Gushee, professor of Christian ethics at Mercer University and co-founder of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, a faith-based nonprofit, told Pew Research surveys. "This kind of small government libertarianism, small taxes, leave-me-alone-to-live-my-life ideology has more in common with Ayn Rand than it does with the Bible."

Then there was the late primary snafu, when Buck, caught on a live mic, urged "those dumbasses at the Tea Party to stop asking questions about birth certificates while I'm on camera."

That these positions didn't end up hurting his standing within the movement isn't entirely surprising. The Tea Party isn't a monolithic entity. Nevada Republican Sharron Angle also has run on a religious conservative platform, going so far as to find divine meaning in her candidacy. And the vast majority of Tea Party members cringe at those who question President Obama's birth (arguing that it detracts from more substantive economic debates).

It didn't hurt, moreover, that Buck had the support of Tea Party luminaries such as Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and Dick Armey's Freedomworks, among others. And it likely helped that he himself pledged to be a DeMint disciple once in office.

"[P]olitically the person I have talked to the most and the person that I admire the most is Senator Jim DeMint," he said, upon receiving the endorsement. "And one of the reasons I admire him the most is because he has the immense good sense to have endorsed me [laughter] But I also have a lot of respect for him because he feels very strongly about doing away with earmarks and not having earmarks in our system. He feels very strongly about having a constitutional term limit... Jim DeMint would be the person that I agree with the most."

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Republicans on Tuesday night experienced the third leg of what is being pegged as the "Tea Party Triple Crown" when local Attorney General Ken Buck pulled off an upset over former Lt. Gov Jane Norton ...
Republicans on Tuesday night experienced the third leg of what is being pegged as the "Tea Party Triple Crown" when local Attorney General Ken Buck pulled off an upset over former Lt. Gov Jane Norton ...
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fromdnorth   12:32 AM on 8/15/2010
Tea Party Triple Crown: Three legged stool...
davidmlipman   05:17 PM on 8/12/2010
Errata: Buck is not an attorney general. He is thew District Attorney in Weld County, Colorado.
MsYellowDog   05:14 PM on 8/12/2010
Just one word for the feelings this article gives me...BARF.
Hillbilly49   10:05 AM on 8/12/2010
Do the baggers require tinfoil hats be worn at every meeting?
mariusvinchi   03:36 AM on 8/12/2010
Triumvirate of Evil disguised as mainstream Americans is more appropriate...
BoulderGuyTC   02:11 AM on 8/12/2010
Sam Stein is an Idiot!

You only need to know one thing about the results last night....... The person who LOST to Ken Buck last night had enough votes to easily beat the Democratic winner......

That is the news folks.
gramma61   02:44 AM on 8/12/2010
News for who? That's common knowledge.
MsYellowDog   05:20 PM on 8/12/2010
Yes,the number of votes each candidate received was publicly displayed.Anyone who wanted to know it could find it out easily.If that's what passes for "news folks,"I fail to see what the news demonstrates to those "in the know,"like BoulderGuy.
HowdyDoody   01:54 AM on 8/12/2010
I live in Weld County. We suffered under Marilyn Musgrave for years, and Buck is her mirror image. The immigrants at the packing plants suffered terribly under Buck, and little kids were left alone without their moms and dads. People were horrified at the brutal treatment they endured.

People of Colorado, please please, do not allow this guy to become a Senator. His mentor is Jim DeMint of S. Carolina!
BoulderGuyTC   02:15 AM on 8/12/2010
Now those 1,300 jobs are held by US citizens...... which is probably a good thing.

Ken Buck is for more and faster legal immigration, and HN1 style work visas for people at lower education level to get here quickly and fill jobs where they are needed, and have some skills.
gramma61   02:47 AM on 8/12/2010
So you're saying that legal immigrants lost their jobs because of this dude?
escribacat   02:36 PM on 8/12/2010
Musgrave = Ugh. Buck = Even worst Ugh.
HowdyDoody   04:01 PM on 8/12/2010
Hi, escribacat, my friend. We'll fight 'em and beat 'em!
AirViceMarshalPark   01:26 AM on 8/12/2010
I sure wouldn't want to be known as anything's "third leg".
escribacat   02:33 PM on 8/12/2010
thaggas   11:28 PM on 8/11/2010
Yawn. These are primaries and all this tells me is that the GOP is embracing the radical right Tea Party is desperation. When one of these whackjobs win a seat in the general, then I'll take notice. Until then, it's just lawn chairs and misprinted signs.
escribacat   02:33 PM on 8/12/2010
Well said.
Tommygun264   10:11 PM on 8/11/2010
Wow, look at the diversity of that crowd: hair in every shade of gray, skin tone ranging from pasty white to pale pink.
MsYellowDog   05:23 PM on 8/12/2010
You made me laugh out loud,sitting all myself at the computer,T­ommygun!!I would fan you,but already have.Great comment,full of the kind of sarcasm I aspire to but seldom manage.
Harpseal60   09:59 PM on 8/11/2010
Does anyone else hear the sound of a banjo playing????
termgirl   09:34 PM on 8/11/2010
Where do they these people?
The Republican State Hospital?
termgirl   09:35 PM on 8/11/2010
genrel1248   09:18 PM on 8/11/2010
So true! Most teabaggers remind me of my 3rd leg.
Tommygun264   10:12 PM on 8/11/2010
Pink and wrinkled?
kareemachan   11:32 AM on 8/13/2010
ACLU Card Carrier   09:08 PM on 8/11/2010
The 'baggers are a third RAIL to the GOP.... let's hope that they nominate as many more as they can.
rebt   09:00 PM on 8/11/2010
Anyyone who is a "DeMint ed disciple" is not a Washington outsider. I listened to him on NPR today. He made no mention of the above facts about him. He sounded pretty moderate. People need to be leery of anyone who kisses the bottom of Jim DeMint. DeMint is in the words of one of my psychiatrist friends......"Way out there." In #ous ways.

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