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What Drives Entrepreneurs?

Several character traits are necessary to flourish as the owner of a new business

Are Entrepreneurs Born or Built?

Four business owners discuss the keys to creating a successful startup

Nervous But Hopeful About Jobs After Graduation

Despite a tough economy, students still believe hard work will lead to a successful career

A Good Time for School

Graduate school is one way to avoid a tough job market, but is education overrated?

Students Optimistic About Jobs, Despite Tough Times

They remain positive as they pursue paths such as entrepreneurship, research, and academia

The Presidential Motorcade

A detailed look at security detail that moves the president on the ground

Down on the Farm With Mark Bowden

The Atlantic's national correspondent shows off his home and his guinea hens.

Discovering an Untapped Niche Leads to Clothing Startup

An innovation merges apparel manufacturing and health care to make dialysis less cumbersome

Desire for Coffee Shop Stimulates Entrepreneurship

A student from Miami University of Ohio discusses how she spotted an opportunity to start a successful small business and some challenges she encountered

Taking Charge

Hanna Rosin and Joshua Green discuss McConnell, Haley, and tensions in the new Congress.

String Theory

Joshua Speckman demonstrates how new technology is warping the tennis world


The Biggest Story in Photos

Deadly Attacks Against Protesters in Bahrain

Feb. 18 2011
Jobs and the Economy of the Future - February 1-18 - News, Analysis, & Commentary from The Atlantic


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