Townhall Islam on Townhall

“Islam” on Townhall

Egypt Aflame

By Cal Thomas (Feb 01, 2011)

The turmoil in Egypt must not be seen in isolation from other events in the world. Neither is it an aberration. It is the next scene in a long-running play whose final act is the domination of the world by radical Islamists. The Obama... more

Lame Hearings on Islam Will Do Nothing

By Diana West (Jan 20, 2011)

Politico featured a story this week headlined "Muslim groups nervous about King hearings." It went on to discuss Muslim apprehension regarding upcoming congressional hearings led by Rep. Peter King, R-NY, "on the threat posed by radical Islam in... more

The War Against the Christians

By Cliff May (Jan 13, 2011)

Imagine if Muslims in Europe were being arrested for nothing more than peacefully practicing their religion. Imagine if Muslims in South America were being sentenced to death for “insulting” Jesus. Imagine if mosques were being bombed and burned by... more

The 'Islamophobia' Myth

By Jeff Jacoby (Dec 08, 2010)

"Is America Islamophobic?" When that provocative question appeared on the cover of Time in August, the accompanying story strained to suggest, on the basis of some anecdotal evidence, that the answer might be yes. The FBI's latest compendium of... more

The Tolernace Canard

By Staff (Oct 26, 2010)

No question. We're surrendering to religious intolerance. Just not the imaginary religious intolerance many would have us believe. Today, even broaching the topic of religious affiliation can send (almost all) the dolts on "The View" scattering... more

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