
'Run, Jeff, Run'

The decision by Sen. Jon Kyl (R., Ariz.) not to seek re-election in 2012 has caused a flurry of interest in a possible run by Rep. Jeff Flake for the seat.

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The decision by Sen. Jon Kyl (R., Ariz.) not to seek re-election in 2012 has caused a flurry of interest in a possible run by Rep. Jeff Flake for the seat. Mr. Flake, whose district covers suburban Phoenix, has a reputation as a super-hawk on spending and led the fight against earmarks in the House. He has a near-perfect record on fiscal issues with the National Taxpayers Union.

Mr. Kyl's announcement came as a bit of a surprise, particularly because he is the Senate minority whip and second in line behind Mitch McConnell of Kentucky to be majority leader if Republicans take control of the Senate after the 2012 elections. Mr. Flake has not made an official announcement, but a long-time aide and friend of the congressman tells us that "Jeff is definitely going to run."

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