The European Central Bank

The Italian's job

The Italian's job

The next president of the world’s second-most-important central bank should be Mario Draghi(12)

Americans in Pakistan

Into the graveyard of envoys

Into the graveyard of envoys

America's new "Af-Pak" envoy is trying to fill an unenviable pair of shoes(8)

China's luxury boom

The Middle Blingdom

Sales of costly trifles are even better than you think

Donald Rumsfeld's memoir

Ducking and diving

His study in self-defence


Don't let up

Alyaksandr Lukashenka is a nasty thug. But he responds to pressure

Apple, Google and online subscriptions

Paying the internet's pipers

The two tech giants have unveiled competing systems for buying online content



In this week's programme: fooling sniffer dogs and their handlers, IBM's computer plays "Jeopardy!" and how to deal with GPS jamming

Intelligent Life

Backward glances

Japan spent more than two centuries shut off from the rest of the world—and it still shows


A partial solution

As Barack Obama presents his draft budget to Congress, our correspondents ask whether the proposal goes far enough

Weird cartography

The land that maps forgot

India and Bangladesh turn their attention to a neglected borderland

Editor's note

iPhone and iPad apps



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Who has the power to change the world?
As business leaders, politicians and journalists meet for the World Economic Forum's annual summit, The Economist online is asking 'who are the global elite?' January 24th - February 18th 2011
