Łukasz Turski

Date and place of birth: 1943, Cracow, Poland

Living place: Warsaw, Poland

Theme: physics

ECC Participation: panel member

photo: Albert Zawada / Agencja Gazeta

Łukasz Turski is a professor of physics at the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. He lectures at numerous universities in Poland and abroad. He specializes in the field of condensed matter and statistical physics. Professor Turski presided over Polish Public Radio’s Council on Educational Programming from 1997 to 2002. From 1999 to 2001, he sat on the Board of the Central Examination Committee and the State Committee for Scientific Research (2000–2004). He has published over 120 scholarly articles.

“Public access to the truth is the sole reason why science deserves any support at all."

As a representative of the exact sciences, Professor Turski presents scientific issues to the public from the broader, humanist perspective.

He is a well-known promoter of scientific awareness, one with the rare ability to talk about difficult issues in physics and nature with gusto and charisma. He is a co-founder of Warsaw’s annual Science Picnic, an open-air event where participants take part in experiments and demonstrations that explain major physical and natural phenomena. He is also the head of the Program Council at the Copernicus Science Centre, one of the first discovery centers in the country. The museum’s numerous interactive exhibits draw thousands of guests every day.