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Biggest Bore?

So I'm here in West Virginia watching CNN and the thought occurs to me: Is there a more boring Republican senator than Indiana's own Richard Lugar? How about all senators? Members of Congress?

If readers leave this one hanging, Lugar wins by default.

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nohype| 2.20.11 @ 11:07AM

Lugar shows what six terms in the Senate do to a person. Unfortunately, he wants a seventh.

bobmontgomery| 2.20.11 @ 11:21AM

Lugar may be a bore, but if scholars, researchers and historians want a case study in RINOism, Political Correctness, Moral and Intellectual blindness, and the left's skillful use of idiots, this would be a good one. This guy is supposedly a Republican from Indiana, not a Democrat from Berkeley, so it should give a good indication of the depth and breadth of the disease that has infected the entire country for forty years. The cluelessness, or outright sham, by which he operates in the Strat. Arms. dealings is instructive - he is now begging that the US, which is the sole remaining superpower, needs to fearfully enter into a deal to reduce our capabilities in order to protect us from the Russians. Yup, it's now the Great Russian Threat, so instead of manning up, we need to man down. Please.

Ken (Old Texican)| 2.20.11 @ 2:01PM

I would LOVE for all of our Senators to be boring.
Pass one single bill, then go play golf or go fishing for six years.

(That single bill would only have to be one sentence long..."We hereby repeal everything this august body has passed since 1958...Adjuorned.")

Dixie Pixie| 2.20.11 @ 2:40PM

My I suggest adding John Kerry as the Senate's greatest bore.

Fisher Ames| 2.20.11 @ 3:34PM

Max Baucus is a contender.

JimH| 2.21.11 @ 10:05AM

Just in terms of delivery, I'd vote for Joe Lieberman.

Jon Ballard| 2.21.11 @ 10:12AM

Tax Baucus. Shame on Montanans for the continual reelection of this dunderhead.

Ned the Red| 2.21.11 @ 4:00PM

I wrote this a few years back, probably after watching the Dingey One or Kerry:
After watching the behavior of the United States Senate over the last several years I have come to a conclusion which, for me, illustrates its appearance.
In my younger years I spent some time in watering holes. Both here and around the world. These establishments had one thing in common; most everyone present was there to get drunk, some of us really drunk.
In spite of sacrificing huge amounts of brain cells to such activity I retain a pretty good memory. And one thing that stands out in my mind is a shared trait among most drunks. They like to talk and talk, and talk, without ever doing much of anything. The more loaded people get, the more they think whatever syllables fall from their mouths are the most profound and intelligent words to ever be uttered.
The ears of drunks function in a different way. Instead of listening for more sounds; their acuteness is limited to the sounds emanating from the orifice directly centered and slightly below them. So what we usually have at a tavern’s closing time is a room full of one sided conversations made by people struck with the belief that whatever they say is brilliant and full of wisdom. These gems are spoken in slurred voices only heard by the speaker.
So the next time you submit yourself to the masochistic torture of listening to a Senator blather away in their droning, pompous manner, do like I do and picture the Senator standing in a bar full of drunks, fighting to make his or her words heard, words that the Senator believes are the most brilliant and profound ever articulated.

M.Ozel Sagir| 2.22.11 @ 2:06PM

Senator Richard Lugar is one of the few US senators who will be remembered and admired for
a very long time after his departure from this puzzeling and mysterious planet called "World."
It is suggested that the critic spent some time study Senator Lugar's career before rushing to judgment. Senator Lugar's contribution to American Century (1890-2000) is so well placed; it is like holding up palms before the shining sun to prevent panetration of rays harming sensetive skin of poeple running on Santa Monica Beach in
God bless people ,like Senator Lugar, always...The World without people like him would be a less safer place to live.
By the way, I have never met Senator Lugar in my life.

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