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Busting the unions

Busting the unions

The bloodiest battle ever fought in the Western Hemisphere essentially happened by mistake in the summer of 1863, when Robert E. Lee's...


What is the UC system worth?

In both of the two most respected global rankings of universities, the University of California system supplies at least 10% of the top 50...


Robbing California of energy

The House of Representatives this week approved legislation that irresponsibly eliminates a key Energy Department loan guarantee program...

  • Battleground Wisconsin

    As students, teachers, nurses, firefighters, cops and snowplow drivers in Wisconsin continue to battle for their basic right to collective...

  • Talking terrorism

    American counter-terrorism officials are increasingly, and rightly, concerned about Americans joining groups like Al Qaeda. According to a...

  • Jim Newton on Jose Huizar: Bare-knuckle politics II

    When The Times endorsed Rudy Martinez in the contentious 14th Council District election and I followed up with a column about Martinez a few...

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Jonah Goldberg: Public unions must go

Jonah Goldberg: Public unions must go

The protesting public school teachers with fake doctor's notes swarming the Capitol building in Madison, Wis., insist that Gov. Scott Walker...

The pillars of conservatism

The pillars of conservatism

Of all the mischaracterizations of social conservatives, none is more stubborn and pernicious than the notion (promulgated by liberals and...

Gregory Rodriguez: Fundamental moral errors

Gregory Rodriguez: Fundamental moral errors

Political fanaticism fosters moral relativism. That's the lesson we should all learn from the gruesome case of Shawna Forde, the Arizona...

The nest-egg myth

The nest-egg myth

As the debate over the federal deficit heats up, Americans are going to hear a great deal about "greedy geezers" who are supposedly...

Rich man, poor man

J. Paul Getty, a miserly patriarch who loved art

In the fall of 1973, a package arrived in a Rome newsroom. Delayed by an Italian postal strike, its contents had begun to spoil. Inside were...

Doyle McManus: Rattling the palace windows in the Persian Gulf

Rattling the palace windows in the Persian Gulf

It's not easy promoting democracy and defending monarchies at the same time.

Revolutionary wisdom: A primer

Revolutionary wisdom: A primer

'No one should believe that with the downfall of the dictatorship an ideal society will immediately appear,' warns Gene Sharp's pamphlet...

They're doing it without us

They're doing it without us

The ongoing upheaval in the Arab world (and in Iran) has rendered a definitive judgment on U.S. policy over the last decade. Relying on...

A tipping point for labor in America

A tipping point for labor in America

The nonpartisan Pew Research Center for the People & the Press has released a fascinating poll that finds that people on the West Coast...

Anti-Semitic hall of shame

Anti-Semitic hall of shame

Sadly, there was no shortage of contenders in 2010 for the "Top 10 Anti-Semitic Slurs" list we put out at the Simon Wiesenthal Center each...

Keep the library doors open

Keep the library doors open

How do you assess a city's quality of life? I love Los Angeles. I've always lived here, my whole life, and I grew up being nurtured by one...

Debt and a tough-talking governor

Debt and a tough-talking governor

President Obama's new budget contains no serious proposal for solving two of the biggest fiscal problems facing the federal government:...

Barking up the right tree

Barking up the right tree

It's been a big week for glittery, over-the-top and slightly perplexing contests. First the Grammy Awards ceremony, with its requisite...

Tracking the ripple effect

Tracking the ripple effect

The popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt have inspired widespread dissent across the Middle East and left leaders desperately seeking to...

A soft power bargain

A soft power bargain

On Valentine's Day, Congress received a gift from President Obama: the federal budget for fiscal year 2012. As its opening shot in what...

Behind the 'birther' blather

Behind the 'birther' blather

Winston Churchill famously described fanatics as those who "can't change their mind and won't change the subject." It's an appraisal that...

Compton parents trigger reform

Compton parents trigger reform

Marlene Romero watched with growing anxiety as her 8-year-old son suffered through third grade at McKinley Elementary School in Compton. She...

Bursting our bubble

Bursting our bubble

If President Obama could ask for one gift from the economy — one statistic that turns unexpectedly rosy — what would it be? If...

'I'll take human ingenuity for $2,000'

'I'll take human ingenuity for $2,000'

A mere three years ago, the IBM computer now known as Watson was a "Jeopardy!"-playing fool. And that's putting it mildly.

Gov. Brown's democracy dodge

Gov. Brown's democracy dodge

It would be "unconscionable," according to Gov. Jerry Brown, for the Legislature to "block a vote of the people" on a five-year extension of...

Saving Social Security

Saving Social Security

Social Security is the most successful social program in American history. It shouldn't be privatized; its benefits shouldn't be cut; and...

What are the ties that bind us?

What are the ties that bind us?

Multiculturalism breeds terrorism. That's what British Prime Minister David Cameron said Feb. 5 in a high-profile speech in Germany,...

Stick a fork in it, we're done

Stick a fork in it, we're done

After about a month in control of the House of Representatives, Republicans haven't managed to undo as many deeds of their Democratic...

No seeds, no independent research

No seeds, no independent research

Soybeans, corn, cotton and canola — most of the acres planted in these crops in the United States are genetically altered....

We could still 'lose' Iraq

We could still 'lose' Iraq

My kids — the oldest is 13 — seem to think that anything that happened in the pre-iPad era is ancient history and therefore of...

The party's over

The party's over

Every year about this time I start to squirm, watching my birthday lumber forth. I'm glad not to be dead. And even though my birthdays...

Mission not yet accomplished

Mission not yet accomplished

"Mission Accomplished" read the hauntingly familiar phrase from Egyptian activist Wael Ghonim on Thursday when the first word came that...

Not fit to be tried

Not fit to be tried

From the hysterical reaction of two local prosecutors, you'd think Southern California suddenly had become Paris in 1848 — or, maybe,...

Free Pollard? Never

Free Pollard? Never

In January, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a letter to President Obama asking for the early release of Jonathan Jay Pollard,...

And the GOP front-runner is ...

And the GOP front-runner is ...

The race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination starts in earnest this week at the annual Conservative Political Action...