Don’t let them steal our history!

The Federal Holiday today is George Washington’s Birthday, it is NOT “presidents day”.  It does not matter how many times Fox News says it is presidents day, it is still not the case.  Here is a link to the Federal holiday calendar.

<a href=””>”Federal Holiday Calendar”</>

I believe that almost everyone calls it Presidents Day is a conspiracy of monkey see monkey do.  Every year I hear less and less about George Washington and more and more about “President’s Day”.   Yet the fact remains that the Federal holiday is George Washington’s birthday and my state’s holiday is George Washington Day.  Technically the holiday does not fall on our first presidents actual birthday, which is February 22nd because Congress passed a law making most federal holidays fall on a Monday, in this case the third Monday of February.

Some say the origin of “president’s day” was by northerners who thought Abraham Lincoln was getting shortchanged.  I guess this became a North vs. South thing; which is odd to me because one would think we all should revere The Father of our Country.  And it is true that some mostly northern states recognize a “president’s day” holiday.   But many other states celebrate only George Washington’s Birthday.  I would be all for a national holiday celebrating Lincoln, surely he is deserving of remembrance.    If people who think today is president’s day realized the original intent in some northern states was to celebrate both Washington and Lincoln, things woud not be so bad, but this is not the case.

What this fake presidents day national holiday has become is a way to diminish George Washington, and in a way, even Lincoln.  These men are diminished when their greatness is compared equally to Chester A. Arthur, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barrack Obama.  There was a time not long ago when this was done on purpose.  Nixon pompously was the one to first suggest all presidents should be revered on this day.  But I will say one last time, this was NEVER an official federal holiday.  Now I think people just hear the term President’s Day so often on newscasts and by retail stores trying to make up another excuse for a sale, that people start to believe it must be true, I mean everyone calls it that.

Please people, don’t let them steal our history!  There was only one George Washington; “first in peace, first in war, and first in the eyes of his countrymen”.  If you care to see whether your state celebrates the Great Washington, look it up online, I know even Massachusetts does.  If you are unlucky enough to live in a state that does not celebrate Washington on this day, at least know your nation does, or at least it is supposed to!


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20 Comments Leave a comment

still can't figure out how to link to a web page in a diary :(

Doc Holliday Monday, February 21st at 3:11PM EST (link)

this should work

I really tried this time, you can even see the <h ref and all that jazz

Molon Labe!

Your HTML is off slightly, Doc.

Greg Garrison Monday, February 21st at 3:25PM EST (link)

You open your link tag with a less than sign and an a href=, like you did in the diary. Then the link within quotation marks. Then a greater than sign.

Then you put in the words that you want to show up and direct people to your link.

Then comes a less than sign, a forward slash, an a, and a greater than sign, like this:

[a href=""]Doc is a good guy.[/a]

Replace my brackets with less than and greater than signs (”"), and that will do it.

“I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.” - Jane Austen

“The skyline of New York is a monument of a splendor that no pyramids or palaces will ever equal or approach.” - Ayn Rand

ok GG, so I was just missing the a?

Doc Holliday Monday, February 21st at 3:45PM EST (link)

and what about the quotes I made on the words I wanted to show up, are they needed?

Another thing I don’t get is why I can’t just type the website and it become “hot” like in a post.

btw, thanks GG and Street for helping

Molon Labe!

A couple of things, Doc.

Greg Garrison Monday, February 21st at 4:00PM EST (link)

First, it looks like you typed this in a word processor and pasted it in. You can do that (I do for diary entries), but I think that you have to replace the curly-ended quotation marks (”) with straight ones (”).

Second (style thing), you don’t have to put the visible text (Federal Holiday Calendar) in quotes.

Third, yes, you missed the terminating a.

“I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.” - Jane Austen

“The skyline of New York is a monument of a splendor that no pyramids or palaces will ever equal or approach.” - Ayn Rand


Greg Garrison Monday, February 21st at 4:03PM EST (link)

My iPhone turned the “straight” marks I just used into curly ones. Oops. And good diary entry. Thanks for the reminder.

“I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.” - Jane Austen

“The skyline of New York is a monument of a splendor that no pyramids or palaces will ever equal or approach.” - Ayn Rand

I typed it right here at RS

Doc Holliday Monday, February 21st at 5:45PM EST (link)

thanks for the help and reading the diary too. I was sickened hearing about Presidents Day constantly on Fox today. And they did include Clinton as one with characteristics we should revere; I believe his was perseverance.

Molon Labe!


Might be easier to use the WYSIWYG visual editor

Bill S Monday, February 21st at 4:58PM EST (link)

I prefer it over the HTML one. You just highlight the word you want to link and click the Link button. You get a little popup where you can paste your link. Pretty basic.

“It’s such a fine line between stupid, and clever.” - David St. Hubbins

thanks for the idea Bill S

Doc Holliday Monday, February 21st at 5:49PM EST (link)

maybe if I write more diaries I will download it. I mostly comment so I am used to just typing in an IP and having it go hot.

Molon Labe!


Huge George Washington's Day amens Doc. Echoes GC's

Mike gamecock DeVine Monday, February 21st at 5:57PM EST (link)

column from last year:

Good job Doc

Mike DeVine’s, Charlotte Observer and The Minority Report columns
“One man with courage makes a majority.” - Andrew Jackson

Happy George Washington's Day GC!

Doc Holliday Monday, February 21st at 6:06PM EST (link)

I think I wrote about this before too. Someone seems to need to do it every year unfortunately. Kind of like Rush reading from his book about Thanksgiving. I have also sent emails Fox today, most rejected saying the email box is full. I once sent an email to someone in the Bush admin to tell them to get it right.

People are not even trying, even those that know it such as public officials. So sad, this country used to be crazy about Washington. I read not long ago that about 7 public schools a year change their name from Washington to something else. Several changed from Washington to Malcom X for what that’s worth.

Molon Labe!

yes, the cultural drift on 3-day weekend devalues Washington and with him

Mike gamecock DeVine Monday, February 21st at 6:39PM EST (link)

the values that built the nation and kept it strong.

Mike DeVine’s, Charlotte Observer and The Minority Report columns
“One man with courage makes a majority.” - Andrew Jackson

so true GC

Doc Holliday Monday, February 21st at 6:41PM EST (link)

if holidays are just three day weekends why even name them?

Molon Labe!

Radio talk show host Dennis Prager always works on national holidays

Mike gamecock DeVine Monday, February 21st at 6:52PM EST (link)

to try and emphasize how important they are to maintaining our national identity and regularly bemoans to moving of so many to Mondays.

Mike DeVine’s, Charlotte Observer and The Minority Report columns
“One man with courage makes a majority.” - Andrew Jackson


I guess it didn't matter in my case

Menlo Monday, February 21st at 8:47PM EST (link)

When I was in school, there was no holiday in February. I’d never heard of “President’s Day” or “Washington’s Birthday.” The school district still does not recognize any holiday, nor does any of the rest of the city or county government.

“[...] constitutional jurisprudence has devolved [...] into a mix of policy preferences, political prudence and legal precedents that long ago departed from the actual words and original meaning of the Constitution.” -Stuart Taylor Jr.

Growing up in Illinois, I remember both

GregInFla Monday, February 21st at 11:12PM EST (link)

Lincoln’s Birthday on the 12th and Washington’s on the 22nd. We had tow days off from school. I had always thought that when they added MLK Day, they merged the two into President’s Day to keep the same number of holidays.

– A true evolutionist would let endangered species die off.
– The sign outside the courthouse said no signs allowed. So I took it down.
Atlas Shrugged is now on the non-fiction aisle at Amazon.

Proud Supporter of Allen West for FL-22 and US Senate in 2012.

I remember getting both days off from school, too...

lvjohnston Tuesday, February 22nd at 10:23PM EST (link)

.. we had school holidays on Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays in Chicago back in the 60’s. Having both helped crystallize the values we were supposed to emulate. Quotes from each would be posted around the classrooms and halls. Sad that they’ve watered down those teachings… along with so many other things.

I remember the arguments for combining them - in Illinois anyway - was to reduce the number of days off so we could have more class days in February (and my little 4th grader brain knew that was not a good thing).

Now the kids get even more days off for Teacher’s Institute days (aka “Professional Development” days) and I admire how so many times they are able to schedule those half days just before the three day federal holidays as they did this past weekend. Wonder how many doctor’s notes for ‘migraines’ were turned in on Tuesday?


If you are typing your diary

Scope Monday, February 21st at 11:12PM EST (link)

right here at the RS “create new diary” section, you will see the section right on top of the diary body page. Have your http etc address ready, and type in the diary something like “from this article” , highlight article, for example, and then click on the 10th icon over on the list which will be the “insert/edit link”, and enter the address in the box that will be displayed, and, choose “open in a separate page” option. The highlighted word in the diary, in this case “article” will be blue. When anyone reads the diary, they just click on the blue article word and they are redirected to your source.

thanks Scope -nt

Doc Holliday Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:14PM EST (link)

Molon Labe!


my cabal sucks!

Doc Holliday Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:16PM EST (link)

but thanks for the two reccos guys :)

Molon Labe!


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