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1 Year Subscription - U.S.
An issue consists of 6 or more pages of advertising free writing by the editors and CounterPunch writers.
Hardcopy subscriptions begin within 6 weeks of subscribing. Email subscriptions begin within the first week of subscribing. Email version is sent as a PDF so please set your spam filter accordingly. Subscriber is responsible for contacting CounterPunch with address updates. One year of CounterPunch is 22 issues, that is two issues per month except July and August when one issue is published per month.
A Supporter Subscription is an option that includes a donation in addition to subscription rate. Please note that some subscriptions include the hardcopy version only or the email version only. Not all choices include both versions.
Email and/or Hardcopy -U.S.
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Sample Email Issue Package
Three of our latest issues in the PDF format. Email subscriptions are sent in this format. Be sure to include a current email address.
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Email Version Subscriptions
An issue consists of 6 or more pages of advertising-free writing by the editors and CounterPunch writers.
A one year subscription is 22 issues. Email subscriptions are sent as a PDF and appear identical to the hardcopy version. The email version is a bulk email sent as PDF, so please set your spam filter accordingly. Subscribers are responsible for contacting CounterPunch with email address changes or for non-receipt of issues. Watch for your first issue of the email newsletter within the first week of subscribing.
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Hardcopy version subscriptions- Outside U.S.
These are the various options for subscriptions mailed outside the U.S. Please choose the correct shipping options. Prices will be adjusted for errors in shipping and credits will be given. Issues are sent out 22 times per year- approximately every 2-3 weeks except during July and August when one issue is published per month. For EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS choose that option in the catalog. Thank you for your support!
Outside the U.S. Please use one of these versions except for email only subscription use the Email Version Subscriptions options.
Quantity desired
Quantity desired
2 Year Subscriptions
Newsletters consists of 6 or more pages of advertising free writing. Hardcopy subscriptions begin within 6 weeks of subscribing. Email subscriptions begin the first week of subscribing. Email version is sent as a PDF- set your spam filter accordingly. Subscriber is responsible for contacting CounterPunch with address updates. Each year of CounterPunch has a total of 22 issues, or 2 issues a month except in July and August when there is 1 issue per month. Be sure the option you're choosing is your preference of the Hardcopy without email version or Hardcopy with email version.
Subscription options
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Sample Issue Package
A sample issue package contains the 3 most recent issue of CounterPunch and is sent by U.S. priority mail inside the U.S. and my U.S. Airmail outside the U.S.
Quantity desired
1 Year Gift Subscription
This subscriptions is to the hardcopy edition. A one year subscription is 22 issues. Please put your contact information under the "bill to" section and the gift recipients information under "ship to". Please allow 6 weeks to start. We will send a current issue and a gift note to notify the recipient of the subscription.
Quantity desired
Back Issues
Choose combinations of back issues from the current year, buy a previous year, or get the entire CounterPunch Library. If you'd like a year that is not shown, please specify the year in the special notes section of the shopping cart. When purchasing the entire archive, please be aware that there have been some numbering discrepancies in the past and there are a few issues no longer available.
Back Issues
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