Pop & Hiss

The L.A. Times music blog

Category: Black Iris

The strange alibis of El Sportivo & the Blooz

4ca155f075337.jpg(2)It's inconsequential whether you believe the backstory of El Sportivo & the Blooz. As their first song implies, they have many alibis, and they're as eccentric as they are entertaining.

The tale begins with the multi-tentacled Lewis Pesacov, guitarist for Foreign Born and Fool's Gold, producer of Best Coast's indie smash, "Crazy for You," and the man behind the Black Iris Music collective clustered in Echo Park.

According to the apocryphal fable spun by Pesacov and his press agents, earlier this year the musician found himself the recipient of a series of weird phone calls and hand-delivered postcards.

Written by a man named "El Sportivo," they were ostensibly misdirected fan rage stemming from the love-lorn canticles of Best Coast. But according to Pesacov and company, it was something far more sinister -- something so bizarre and fictional that it's best reprinted in full.

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