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Ross Mackenzie's Biography

Ross Mackenzie applies the lens of historical significance to today's headlines in his weekly nationally syndicated column. The veteran newspaper writer and editorial page editor for the Richmond Times-Dispatch offers insightful commentary about current events, exploring topical subjects in areas ranging from foreign affairs and class-action lawsuits to culture and family.

Mackenzie joined The Richmond News Leader in 1965, and four years later was named editor of the paper's editorial page -- a position previously held by both James J. Kilpatrick and Douglas Southall Freeman. After the 1992 merger of the News Leader and the Richmond Times-Dispatch he became the editorial page editor at the latter, overseeing the editorial and op-ed pages and the paper's Sunday commentary section. He is the only person to have directed the editorial pages of both Richmond dailies.

Mackenzie was runner-up for the 1982 Pulitzer Prize in commentary, and in a long page-one story around that time, The Washington Post termed him "the most feared journalist in Virginia" possessing "one of the most ferocious styles in American journalism." He is also the recipient of Sigma Delta Chi's first Eugene Pulliam fellowship for editorial writers.

Mackenzie received a bachelor's degree in history from Yale and a master of arts in political philosophy from the University of Chicago. He has written several books, including Brief Points: An Almanac for Parents and Friends of U.S. Naval Academy Midshipmen (1993 and 1996) and Eyewitness: Writings from the Ordeal of Communism (1992), which he co-wrote with Todd Culbertson. He also produced a syndicated history feature with editorial cartoonist Jeff MacNelly.

Mackenzie lives with his wife and Labrador retriever in the woods west of Richmond, Virginia. They have two grown sons, both Naval officers.

Ross Mackenzie - Columnist

Ross Mackenzie:
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Ross Mackenzie

Ross Mackenzie lives with his wife and Labrador retriever in the woods west of Richmond, Virginia. They have two grown sons, both Naval officers.

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