When halfway isn’t

The Administration’s argument that “we have come halfway” is nothing more than a negotiating tactic. The intellectual basis for this argument is quite weak and borders on silly. Any framing of this debate by measuring “cuts” is dicey because the choice of a starting point is arbitrary.

The President’s proposed deficits and “primary balance”

Today we’ll look at President Obama’s proposed deficit path, as yesterday we looked at his spending and revenue paths.

The long term budget problem begins now

It’s the slope of the red line that’s killing us.

The President’s budget: whistling past the graveyard

I chewed on the President’s budget for a few hours today. Rather than bore you with a MEGO post filled with numbers and charts, I offer a few overall qualitative and strategic impressions.

The President’s hidden trade message

Opponents of free trade listening carefully heard the President’s hidden message: I am reopening the agreements with Panama and Colombia, and giving you the ability to block them and other future FTAs by denying your support.

Summary of the President’s Chamber of Commerce speech

The President did not break major new substantive ground in his speech today to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Here’s a quick review of what he said.

Reagan photos

Ronald Reagan was born 100 years ago today. In his honor, here are photos of the 40th President of the United States. They would make great Facebook profile photos today.

How to repeal ObamaCare

The path to repeal is straightforward and, while difficult, achievable.

The three man FCIC dissent (Hennessey, Holtz-Eakin, Thomas)

Here is the dissent filed by Vice Chairman Bill Thomas, Dr. Doug Holtz-Eakin, and me to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Report.

Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission op-ed

Here is a Wall Street Journal op-ed that is online now and will appear in tomorrow’s print edition. It’s by Mr. Thomas, Dr. Holtz-Eakin, and me, and it is a precis of our dissent.