Pop & Hiss

The L.A. Times music blog

Category: UCLA Jazz and Reggae Festival

The Pop & Hiss guide to the UCLA Jazz and Reggae Festival


With the hippie haven Topanga Days Festival running concurrently over Memorial Day Weekend, the remainder of kids with Bob Marley posters on their dorm room walls will doubtlessly be heading to UCLA’s 23rd annual Jazz and Reggae Festival. Accordingly, Pop and Hiss is here to break down the premier acts jamming out this weekend in Westwood.

With Sunday dedicated to a “Jam Day” and Monday cordoned off for reggae, the festival has historically drawn a diverse array of artists. While herbal refreshments may augment the experience, the talent recruited to entertain co-eds and their cohorts should appeal to anyone with a taste for lilting bass lines and warm-weather music.

With forecasts predicting a gorgeous weekend, should you not be indulging in that quintessential Angeleno pastime of leaving town, the Jazz and Reggae Festival promises to be an ideal way to spend your holiday -- even if the heat means that you should leave the Rasta beanie at home.

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