Jeddah hit by heavy rains again


JEDDAH: There were heavy rains in different parts of Jeddah on Wednesday evening. The Presidency of Meteorology and Environment had issued a red alert to the public about possible showers in the city from 9 to 12 p.m.

The presidency said the rains would be accompanied by thunderbolts and strong winds. Clouds were expected to move north of Obhur and Gulf of Salman as well as to Buhairat and Dhahban, the presidency added and urged the public to take precautionary measures.

Many Jeddah residents, who had ventured out of their homes on Wednesday evening, were caught off-guard by the rains. Streets became waterlogged quickly and vehicular movement was slow at many points in the city.

Civil Defense officials said they had not received reports of any major rain-related accidents in Jeddah.

There were also rains in Makkah and Taif. Informed sources said at least one person died and 24 others injured in road accidents in Taif following the rains.



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Alhamdulliah... this time we were safe. Authorities should seriously think about drainage.. as this could happen every year.


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Alhumdulillah .. nothing more dangerous happened. But authorities have to take precautionary measures well in advance in order not to have more distruction. inshallah i pray for the victims of Jeddah
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@ SERAMIS <br/>As a Muslim, I'm sad of the tragedies going on in MUSLIM COUNTRIES, simply the

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