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How to Get Rid of Your Date

June 14th, 2008 by admin
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Being single is fun at a certain point in your life, but can become very lonely or boring over time. Soon, even your single friends who you used to hang out with will not be able to be there with you since they are out on dates as well. You have no choice but to go out on a date (In case you're having a blind date and you're not into your date, follow these Top ten tips to gross out your blind date).


Even though you have the ability of a snake charmer at getting dates, you will surely encounter a bad date eventually. He or she might be the annoying type who just can't stop talking about things that really tick you off, have bad manners like belching or scratching some part of the body, or is simply not what you expected.


Whatever reason you have for dumping your date, you hopefully want to get rid of your date in a subtle way that would not hurt his or her feelings. Even if you are the most frank person in the world, getting rid of a date, especially if it is the first date (Learn the Top ten ways to ruin a first date), can be quite difficult to do. Sometimes, saying the truth outright is best done with sugar coating.


A Bad Date Perhaps you foresaw that the evening would turn out bad as soon as you saw your date for the night but decided against your gut feeling just to give it a chance. You start with dinner at a fancy restaurant and later, you will mentally slap your forehead and say “What was I thinking?” It is hard to find a date that will respond in the right way to your expectations.


“Get rid of my date? Wait, how do I do that?” Thinking about getting rid of your date and actually doing so are two different things. When this scenario happens, you are probably squeezing every brain cell you have to come up with a brilliant idea that will subtly signal “Get outtta here!” without actually saying so.


Giving the “Shoo!” Signal Once you reach that point and decide that the date is bad, do get into the sorry-I-have-to-get-rid-of-you mode before it is too late. If you try to delay it, your date may take it as if you are enjoying the company and will think of looking forward to future dates. As far as you are concerned, you do not want that.


Just like in any date, you must pay attention to body language the same way you do with every word he or she says. Doing so will come in handy if the date turns bad. How? You might have picked up some signals of “Dos” and “Don'ts” during that short time and you can use them to your advantage to get rid of that person.


For example, if your date seems to be a self-centered person who wants to talk about things that involve him or her (and that really ticks you off), try to equal or exceed that self-centeredness with your own faux self-centered attitude. If you are a guy, try to raise your voice a little bit and express yourself. If you are a girl, cut the guy off once in a while. The use of hand gestures can be effective too if you can't raise your voice a little bit higher.


If you use this method, just be careful that you don't get carried away. Remember, you are trying to give signals, not say it outright. Eventually, your date will think that it is not worth the time and perhaps “get rid” of you instead.


For the quiet, passive, or unresponsive date, after trying several times to reach out and strike a good conversation, try to keep quiet for a few minutes. He or she may come up with something to talk about, but if that does not happen, leave. It may be harsh or rude, but who wants to go out on a date with a zombie?


When you figure out that your date is easily grossed out, then you can try some disgusting behavior that might force that person to drop any interest in you. Burp out loud, talk while your mouth is full, or eat in a messy way. You will surely look like a slob or a fool while doing this, so this will be your last resort.


The success of a date relies on how you read that person's character and attitude, so you have to be very keen. You will not run out of ideas on how to get rid of your date if you pay close attention.


When Everything Else Fails... As much as possible, you will want to part ways with your date on good terms (or so it will seem), but there are just some people who can't take a hint. Perhaps, if you bombard them with sarcasm, they would even think it was a compliment.


Slow people like those are very difficult to deal with. You have to hit them with a brick or a hammer (figuratively, of course) for that person to realize that you don't like him or her as a date.


If this happens to you, you will have no other choice but give out the cold and hard truth. Expect violent reactions or a bitter rejected face, but your date may realize the situation and thank you later for being honest.


Of course you will still have to ditch your date, but do the delivery in a nice and calm manner. No matter how pissed you are, try your best to act cool and say what you really want to say, unless that person really deserves it. You are the judge of the situation, no one else, so weigh your options carefully.


Dating is... Dating can be treated as a game – always looking for a win, but prepared for a loss or a draw. It can also be treated as a war, where you need to be armed with your weapons and be ready for battle.


In other words, no matter what you see dating as, you need to be prepared. Anticipate the best, expect the worst. It is not always about ditching your date: it is about how you can adjust to your date as well.

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  1. August 15th, 2008 at 5:58 pm    Lynette Says:

    How about just being honest and say, “I don’t think we’re going to be a good match and I don’t want to waste any more of your time, so I’ll just get a cab, call a friend, whatever.” Or you can pretend you got a text message of phone call with really bad news and you are so devastated you just have to leave.


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