Capt. Hindi set to spread her wings again

Capt. Hanadi Zakariya Hindi before she was taken ill. (AN files)


RIYADH: Hanadi Zakariya Hindi, the first Saudi woman pilot, will begin flying jets a few weeks from now after undergoing major surgery that led to the removal of one of her kidneys recently.

An aviation doctor has already examined Hindi, who is awaiting a medical clearance certificate to be issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), an agency of the US Department of Transportation.

“Call me after a few days from now, I will talk to you from the sky,” Hindi said on Wednesday.

“It was mainly a kidney problem that was hindering my promising career. … I underwent a nephrectomy procedure, and there is no hindrance now on my dream to fly a jet. One healthy kidney is enough to do all the work.”

She thanked all her well-wishers, especially Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, chairman of Kingdom Holding Company (KHC).

After graduating from Jordan's Middle East Aviation Academy in 2006, Hindi signed a 10-year contract to fly the KHC jets. Hindi said Prince Alwaleed had been supporting her from her student days.

“The prince has been unflinchingly resolute in his endeavor to champion women’s issues,” said Hindi. “He sponsored my training and offered me a job,” she added.

After obtaining her Jordanian Commercial Pilot’s License (CPL) and Instrument Rating in 2006, Hindi trained in the UK to get the European CPL.

Asked about her views on issues affecting women in Saudi Arabia, Hindi said: “We must destroy the myth that allowing women to work somehow undermines our religion or contravenes the teachings of Islam.

“It is my belief that to be a good Muslim, irrespective of gender, you have to work hard and not be a burden on anyone.”

Hindi, who hails from Makkah, said that the business community was finally waking up to the reality that Saudi women can do an awful lot and have so much to offer. Hindi has also been named one of the 100 greatest women in aviation.

“I have been receiving several awards and commendations from different global organizations, including Saudi agencies and individuals, despite the fact that I will be working in an area that has been always dominated by men, at least in this part of the world,” said Hindi.

She said several Arab and Saudi girls were now studying aviation in different countries across the world.



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Yes, for sure to be a good Muslim you must work hard, but I think you should work a little harder to wear the hijab that Allah commanded you with be fore working hard to be in a place where you don't belong. I am an American Muslims, I am not an extremist: but definitely the woman's place is in the home as Allah commanded. All the support you got from whomever does not mean a thing, it is only a trick from iblee. Fear Allah and stay at home it is better for you.


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May Allah give her good health and long life, she lost one Kidney. May all her good dreams come true.


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may allah give her happy and healthy life.


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Is this an April fools day joke a bit early. Are you telling me that this woman is a Saudi pilot. Well that just great and what an achievment, especially in a country where women are treated as second class and dont have the same rights as men. How come i can see her face. And why are the usual contributors to the posts telling us that the end of the world is coming because this woman dares to show her face.
does she also have a drivers licence and does she have to have a man accompany her in the cockpit so that she does not fly alone.
My very best wishes to this woman, please show your male counter parts that you are just as capable as they are and perhhaps even more accomplished.


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20 million people only one women pilot, give me a break. a very sad reflections of a very sad society.
I wish her well though.
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Allied planes fly over Libya as Qaddafi's forces attack Benghazi

Please stop killing each other we all are muslim brothers, every muslim will get burried only i

Mirza S. Baig at Mar 20, 2011 04:20


What if Arabs had recognized the State of Israel in 1948?

As Muslims we must believe in Al Qadr. Saying "What IF" causes one to have doubt in the decree

Aisha C. at Mar 20, 2011 04:19