Plane fire confirmed after YouTube video


JEDDAH: A Saudi Arabian Airlines flight carrying 128 passengers to Riyadh from Dammam was grounded last week after black smoke was seen billowing from the aircraft, causing panic at King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) in the Eastern Province city. No injuries were reported.

Civil Defense teams and local security agencies were sent immediately to the airport’s runway to contain the situation.

Khaled Al-Mezel, director general of KFIA, said: “Our department has dealt with the incident and took all measures to contain the situation.”

Al-Mezel commended the Saudia pilot’s decision to abort takeoff, saying it saved those on the flight.

“All the flight’s passengers were evacuated safely and transferred to the airport’s passenger terminal, where they were sent to their destination on another plane,” said Al-Mezel.

A passenger aboard the flight recorded the fire as it happened and posted the video on YouTube.

The clip featured the airplane on the runway seconds before takeoff. Just seconds after the plane was charging the runway, there was mass panic inside the airplane as people noticed the fire.

One of the passengers was seen hitting his chair and screaming for the airplane to stop. There were other passengers trying to defuse the situation by urging people to sit down and not panic.

The clip also showed someone reciting a prayer. At the end of the clip, a flight attendant was heard talking through an internal microphone, asking all passengers to calm down and return to their seats.



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The first thing to do when you write such an article is to add the link to the youtube video !

Do you expect your readers to go and search for the video on youtube?


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This was a near-miss and sentinal event which the authority must take notice of it and enquire why the pilot did not see the fire on its radar screen. Is it the duty of passenger to inform the pilot to stop bcoz of fire or smoke. The pilot probably was driving a bus on the road they should takr responsibility and should be punished and also the cabin crew who tried to stop the screaming passenger not to panis. It was his scream or panic who saved the lives of all on-board. All the credit goes to that passenger who cried to report the fire. I suggest all the crew must be fired of that plane. What a shame on this plane's crew, playing with lives of passengers. By the way where is that passenger and what is his name he should be rewarded and thanked for saving lives and a lesson for Saudia Flights and its crews.


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Abu Ryan. Aircraft Radars do not report or show fires!


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Saudi Arabian Airline has the worst customer service. It is another shameful chapter in the Saudi aviation history. Shae on you!


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Abu Ryan, your evaluation is even more ridiculous and irrational than the panicking passenger. Without the professionalism of the saudia crew, lives could have been lost through stampede. Get a grip on yourself and think before you utter such beligerence
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My honest request to all Saudis for those who read this, and to tell those who don't. <br/> <br

Salman at Mar 20, 2011 00:36