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. . . foundscapes . . .


There are two (2) ways you can participate in Foundscapes:

1) if you still HAVE the tape (either one you dubbed or one you received), we would love to interview you! We'd be forever indebted if you could submit an mp3 of the cassette with a brief description or commentary. Talk to JEN to get briefed on this (totally painless!!) process. Check out this example: tape #1.

2) if you DUBBED or RECEIVED a tape but no longer have it, please fill out THIS survey!

Every tape or memory of a tape is a blip on the radar of our collective conscience. By stringing these individual bits together, we draw the map of how mixtapes changed our lives through reappropriation of the sounds around us. Help us connect the dots! Even if you'd just like to share some thoughts on mixtapological topics, hit NATALIE up!