Avoiding audio jump cuts

Part of 'What the editor requires' series.

Just as important to make sure the pictures you film are cuttable, you also need to make sure the sound is continuous.

Background noise

Always check for background noise, such as running water or traffic noises which may cause sound jumps in the editing. You may not notice it but there's always a lot more going on than you think. Turn of background sounds such as fridges, televisions, radios and phones. Always wear headphones and listen carefully while filming.

Recording a 'wild track' of the atmosphere sound can help the editor to iron out audio mismatches. Just let your camcorder record the background noise for a few seconds. You can provide information about your wild track on the video tape or disc.

Audio continuity

Creating good footage also includes making sure audio continuity is guaranteed. When the editor has to cut shots where the acoustics change every time, the end result will probably not be good. An example of a common problem is an interview where a fridge motor keeps turning on and off. While you may not notice this while shooting, it will be very difficult to edit the interview. It may even be impossible to make the audio sound continuous now!

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