Public Documents


Climate change

PES Positions
PES appeal to Copenhagen, adopted by the PES Congress in Prague on 7- 8 Dec. 2009 EN FR ES

PES Discussion Paper: Reducing emissions from transport

PES Discussion Paper: Reducing emissions in the agricultural sector

PES Discussion Paper: Towards an international climate change agreement

PES Discussion Paper: The development dimension of climate change

Resolution on climate change EN FR ES DE

PES Initiative on climate change and environment

Official Documents

Communication by the European Commission on a post
Copenhagen strategy

Copenhagen Accord

White Paper: Adapting to Climate Change by the EU Commission

Background Documents

EU action against climate change, publication by DG Environment

Study on impacts of climate change in Europe by the EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC)

Potential of green jobs, study by the International Labour Institute (ILO)

Green Growth

PES Positions
PES Discussion Paper: Progressive recovery plan
Working Paper: Creating smart green growth and jobs

Official documents

Europe 2020 Strategy

Background Documents

Study by the InternationaL Energy Agency

UNEP Study


PES Documents - Official documents
6th EU Environmental Action Programme

EU Habitats Directive (consolidated version)

EU Birds Directive

EU Waste Directive


PES Positions Papers

Secure energy supply and smart, green growth - A new social democratic energy policy

PES Presidency declaration on a new EU energy strategy

Official Documents

EU Action Plan for Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy Roadmap