Home > Fiction > ABDELMEGUID Ibrahim


Abdelmeguid Ibrahim

Ibrahim Abdelmeguid is born in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1946. He studies philosophy and moves to Cairo in 1974, and has lived there since.

During the early 1970’s, Ibrahim Abdelmeguid was a member of a secret communist party, forbidden at the time. His political engagement and activism never stopped since, and even lead to his imprisonment.


Represented titles

Nobody sleeps in Alexandria | La ahad yanam fi al-iskandariaview details
The virgo sign | Burj al-azra’view details

Some translated novels by the author

La maison du jasmin | Bayt al-yasmin | Sindbad – France
No one sleeps in Alexandria | La ahad yanam fi al-iskandariai | American University of Cairo Press – Egypt/US
Personne ne dort à Alexandrie | La ahad yanam fi al-iskandaria | Desclée de Brouwer -
L’autre pays | al-Balda al-oukhra | Sindbad – France
The other place | al-Balda al-oukhra | American University of Cairo Press – Egypt/US