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About LCMS Worship

LCMS Worship serves the Synod by holding high the wondrous gifts that the Triune God gives through His holy Word and Sacraments. Through a variety of literature, LCMS Worship seeks to "develop and deepen an understanding and love for the Lutheran heritage in Christian worship."

In addition, LCMS Worship prepares and/or recommends worship materials to the Synod that incorporate both the riches of the past with that which is faithful from the present so that in our worship our voices are joined with fellow believers of every time and place.


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News Update - Worship Institute

In recent years, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has been enriched by the recurring “Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.”  These events have provided essential educational opportunities, worship experiences, and connections to all those in the LCMS engaged in presiding, preaching, and making music.  Originally, the LCMS Commission on Worship was engaged in planning a similar event for July 2011; however, in light of Synod restructuring, including the elimination of the commission, and significant personnel changes at the International Center, it has been determined that this event will not take place.  It is our deep desire that by working with the Synod's agencies, schools, and seminaries we will be able to revitalize this event within the next triennium.

Meanwhile, with support from Concordia University Nebraska, St. John Lutheran Church in Seward, NE has designed a similar worship conference to be held in July 2011 for pastors and church musicians on worship-related topics.  In order to learn more about this event please visit: www.seward2011.org

Newly Released

More Information

The Song of the people: The former Commission on Worship's study of contemporary Christian songs.

Read about the Children Making Music DVD and how to get your own copy.

Lectionary charts with Propers for Series A  - used for 2010-2011 church year and One-Year Lectionaries.

Scripture Index Comparison of LSB and LW Lectionaries for Series A, B & C now available for download.

FREE Study Guide to Text, Music Context: A Resource for Reviewing Worship Materials now available.

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