Life Path

The life Path is also known as the Career Number. It is the most important of the four elements of the Core and is therefore the most important number in numerology as well. If ever you are given the chance to describe a person’s characteristics, the Life Path would be the most appropriate number for that job. The Life Path, as the name suggests, basically describes the lessons that will be learnt in one’s lifetime. These lessons clarify the environment which can be the most beneficial for learning the life’s lessons and also describes a few of the important characteristics which are the most likely to be present in an individual’s personality. The Life Path also determines the overall focus of life. However, most of the people find it difficult to relate to their Life Path, and some people have little or no interest in following the particular direction.

We can find out the Life Path by calculating the sum of the digits of the date, month and year of birth.


The Expression, which is also known as the Destiny Number is the second most important Core number. The Destiny Number determines the potential and talents of a person along with his characteristic traits and natural abilities. In most cases these qualities are present in a person from birth but some of the traits are developed gradually as the person grows with age. Such personality traits are important particularly for that person’s career and these features that are determined by the Destiny Number or the Expression are a central part of the person’s life and career.

The Expression can be calculated by finding out the sum of all the numbers assigned to the letters of a person’s name, particularly the full name as in the birth certificate of that person.

Soul Urge

The Soul Urge which is often called the Soul Number is used to describe the motivation levels of an individual. It is the third most important number that forms the Core. The motivational levels described by the Soul Number include his goals in life, his approach towards achieving them and the hindrances which come along with these motivational abilities. This number determines the point of view of a person and what steps that person is willing to take. The inner motivation of a person is generally a more private characteristic where as the Life Path and Expression are used to determine the visible qualities of the person.

The Soul Urge can be calculated by adding up the numbers corresponding to the vowels in the name of the person as given in the birth certificate.


The Birthday is the least important Core number. However this number also has an important significance due to which it cannot be neglected. The Birthday describes some important personality characteristics of an individual.

The Birthday, as the name clearly suggests, can be calculated by simply adding up the numbers which represent the date of birth of the person.

Whenever a particular form of energy is not available in a balanced form, certain difficulties arise. These difficulties are indicated by repeated numbers in the Core. They are observed whenever a number in the Core or in the sub elements that are used to determine these core elements appears more than once. These repeated numbers are quite frequently observed and form about half of the numerology reports. The presence of the repeated numbers in the Core cause certain changes in the energies associated with them which result in obstacles. The reason for these obstacles is that the energies are either completely ignored or over emphasized. In case a person possesses a balanced 1 energy, he will be expected to be hard working and independent where as with repeated 1, the same person will most likely experience difficulties and problems because he is either over emphasizing the number 1 energy and hence being dominated or is ignoring the energy which causes him to become dependent.