Gaddafi condemns attack on his forces

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Uploaded by on Mar 20, 2011

The UN has imposed a no-fly zone on Libya and forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi have been hit in an airstrike.

But the Libyan leader remains defiant and has called the air attacks by French, US and British forces a "cold war" on Islam. He says his regime has "opened the depots" and distributed weapons among the populace .

Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher reports.

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  • U.S and allies are all insane they are not saving the civilians but killing the civilians of Libya. Look at what happen in Afghanistan and Iraq they kill many civilians.They attacked Afghanistan and Iraq for an Invalid reason or stupid reason and what happen they never say sorry for what they done.Wake up wake up people of the world we know that the action of U.S and allies is an another mistake or stupidity we must act now. ARAB Nations act now don't worry ALLAH will help us.

  • Gaddafi is done for. It's only a matter of time...

  • @scarface53221 So what if it dosn't have a Zero?

    Romans were great, without them you wouldn't have many things!

  • @TheHeavyMetalJohn

    Without the zero, and without the system of Hindu-Arabic numbers that we take for granted, modern business and modern science – and the broad prosperity that we enjoy today would be impossible. Try to imagine using Roman numerals to balance your checkbook – it's unthinkable, and among other failings, Roman numerals have no zeros.

  • @gilbertclubpalermo Hitler did great things for his country, THINK!

  • The rebels wanted help and now they got it?

  • is Gaddafi related to Sonia Sotomayor?

  • Do you know how much cost per liter of gasoline in Libya? 10 cents! Gaddafi gave interest-free loan for 20 years! to build a house. He is not a holy man, but he is in his country. Get out of Libya.

  • Your government is cheating on you. Gaddafi's a smart man. America wants to kill him because he would not allow foreign military bases in their country. Sarkozy could not agree on the delivery of weapons. Another issue - oil. Hypocritical West. The rebels - a Western puppet.

    Sorry for my English

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