Civilization and Arabic Literature in the Middle Ages
I am Joseph Sadan (some people add Prof. to my name…). I studied with Prof. Charles Pellat, Prof. Claude Cahen, Profs. David and Miryam Ayalon, Prof. Jeanine Sourdel, Prof. M.J. Kister and others I am interested in classical Arabic prose literature (adab), socio-cultural aspects of literature, cultural atmosphere and poetry (hunting, wine poems) in the Abbasid period, aspects of civilization, especially Muslim material civilization and everyday life aspects in the Middle Ages (such as drinks and food, furniture, materials and implements for writing, some Genizah issues), Middle Eastern Jewry, its literature, for instance the Maqama genre: al-Hariri vs. al-Harizi (Alharizi), relations between nomad and sedentary heritages throughout the history of Arab narratives, stories such as Alf layla wa-layla (the Arabian Nights, Mille et une nuits) and, to a certain extent, story-telling and the Hikayat genre. Full Professor for the last twenty years and at present incumbent of the Halmos Chair for Arabic Literature, I shall retire toward the beginning of the academic year 2008 .I am ready to exchange e-mail messages with experts and people who show serious interest in the issues detailed in my publication list.
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