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Salary Comparison and Salary Calculator
Salary comparison tools allow you to evaluate a new job offer or see how your current job ranks with the average salary for similar jobs in your industry. Use our salary calculator to see a salary survey specific to your job. Use our cost of living calculator to help evaluate job offers and relocation.
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A free basic report shows national average salaries adjusted by location. Get personalized answers with a Personal Salary Preview (a free, emailed look at the effect of your personal traits) and a premium Personal Salary Report — the ultimate salary negotiation tool.

Salary News and Advice from

Workers Say They're Underpaid -- But Are They Right?

According to's 2006/2007 Employee Job Satisfaction and Retention Survey, 62 percent of emloyees plan on looking for a new job in the next three months. Dissatisfied employees have cited a variety of reasons for their desire to leave their company, including lack of opportunity for advancement, no recognition for achievements, insufficient benefits and even boredom.

Time Off from Work Gains in Importance

American workers are saying they need a break. As their number of hours clocked on the job has crept higher, more time off has become a bigger priority.

How Men and Women Use Their Time

Working women are spending about an hour more doing housework and taking care of family members each day than working men do, according to a new report released by teh Department of Labor.

Cost of Living Calculator

Moving can affect both your salary level and your cost of living. The Cost of Living Wizard reveals the impact.


Executive Compensation Wizard

What do top executives earn? Actual pay stats at thousands of U.S. companies.


Job Assessor

Compare how two opportunities relate to one and other. Evalute, accept, or decline a job offer or evaluate your job statisfaction.

Millionaire Maker

Learn what it takes to make 1 million dollars by a certain age with Millionaire Maker, our online calculator. In less than one minute, we'll analyze your investments, savings, and other factors in wealth-creation. Make your wealth-building plan now.
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