The Opinion Pages

Op-Ed Contributors

Honoring Those Who Said No

To address the damage from the Bush administration’s interrogation and detention policies, the Obama administration should recognize the public servants who rejected torture.

Matt Dorfman

Department of Good News

Between the royal wedding and the release of the president’s birth certificate, what more could you possibly want to be happy? comment iconComment


Great Leap Backward

While a dramatic economic rise takes place in China, the country is also host to an equally dramatic yet much less impressive rise in human rights violations. comment iconComment


A Certificate of Embarrassment

President Obama is finally forced to react to a preposterous political claim about his birth. comment iconComment

Room For Debate

Did Bernanke Come Clean?

Did the Fed chairman offer real answers about jobs and inflation in his first press conference?

Op-Ed Contributors

Pain at the Pump? We Need More

An emission charge would help tackle the trade imbalance, the deficit and climate change, while enhancing national security and competitiveness.

Opinionator | Townies

Just Don’t Connect

Over time, I stopped worrying about missed connections, and then I stopped missing them.


The Limits of Fed Policy

Ben Bernanke can help, but Congress and the White House must do more to fix the economy.


Recidivism’s High Cost and a Way to Cut It

States must rethink parole and probation policies that drive hundreds of thousands of people back to prison every year, not for new crimes, but for technical violations.


The Duty of Counsel

We strongly oppose the Defense of Marriage Act, but the decision of a law firm to stop representing members of Congress who wish to defend the law is deplorable.


Why Is Enough Never Enough?

The Raj Rajaratnam trial and other recent cases raise questions about money, motivation and risk.

Opinionator | Disunion

Ms. Dix Comes to Washington

Dorothea Dix made a place for women nurses in the Union army — and then quickly fell from grace.


Bloggingheads: Obama Saved the Economy?

Mark Schmitt of the Roosevelt Institute and James Pinkerton of Fox News debate whether Obama saved capitalism.

Opinionator | The Conversation

Royal Wedding? What Royal Wedding?

Are people really all that excited about Prince William and Kate Middleton's pending nuptials?

Op-Art | A Month of...

Wednesday Patterns

Interactive Feature

The fourth chapter in this illustrated series by Leanne Shapton catalogs designs and textiles observed in passing.


Who Protects the Animals?

With a lack of federal and state laws providing protection, we need independent investigators as watchdogs.

Latest From the Opinion Blogs

Paul Krugman

When Is A Target Not A Target?

Schott's Vocab

Reader Rejoinders

Mark Bittman

Animals, Cruelty and Videotape

Ross Douthat

The White House, the Democrats and the Deficit

David Brooks

Self Esteem

Dot Earth

The Many Shapes of Climate Knowledge

Nicholas D. Kristof

Human Trafficking in the United States

Public Editor's Journal

Finding Stories Made Easier