Secretary General of Génération Tunisie Libre Discusses Role of Al-Nahda in Tunisia

Rajaa Basly, writing at the Arab Reform Bulletin, discusses the role Islamist party, al-Nahda, has played in the revolution thus far and what it’s future contributions look like.  Basly states that while the party did not play a role in the uprisings that overthrew President Zine Ben Ali, it has since become an influential player, especially now that it has joined the Committee for the Protection of the Revolution and the Political Reform Committee, which may be granted executive powers.  He notes, however, that many Tunisians remain cautious of the party given the accusations of terrorism following incidents in the 1990s when al-Nahda activists attacked a RCD office in Tunis.  Basly discusses the party’s “flexible political discourse” which continues its Islamic tradition while making reassurances that its committed to democracy, human rights, non-violence and equality.  He also discusses how the party  has sided with protesters in its critiques of the current government but notes the threat of fragmentation given the legalization of nearly 50 political parties, some of which are Islamist in orientation and potential competitors for al-Nahda.  Basly states that the party will have to clarify its stance on state secularism especially following the rise of the Salafi youth movement, Hizb al-Tahrir.

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