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Rodeo Glossary

Rodeo is filled with unique terms and phrases. The more common and strange terms you will hear are listed here. See if you can identify them when you watch your next rodeo.

Average or Aggregate

Get the definition of the rodeo term, average, from About Rodeo.


Definition for barrier.

bucking chute

Definition for bucking chute.


Definition for cover.

Cowboy Definition

Definition of the term cowboy.

Crossfire Penalty

Definition of Crossfire Penalty used in rodeo as it applies to the team roping event.


Defintion of dallie.


Explanation of the hazer.

hung up

Definition of hung up.

Manifest Destiny Definition

Definition of the term Manifest Destiny as it applies to the history of rodeo.

mark out rule

Definition of the mark out rule.

pick up man or men

Explanation of the pick up men.


Definition of rank.

Rodeo Cowboy Definition

Definition of rodeo cowboy. From the About Rodeo glossary of rodeo terms and definitions.


Definition of the cowboy slang 'string.'


Definition of the term Vaqueros.
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  3. Rodeo
  4. Rodeo 101
  5. Rodeo Glossary

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