Archive for the 'Britain' Category

“The ‘Missing Dimension’: Britain’s Secret War against France in Syria and Lebanon, 1942–45,” by Meir Zamir

Press Release: The ‘Missing Dimension’ by Meir Zamir
Article: The ‘Missing Dimension’: Britain’s Secret War against France in Syria and Lebanon, 1942–45 – Part II
Author: Meir Zamir
Journal: Middle Eastern Studies, published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Issue: Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2010, pages 791 – 899
Web: [The article will be available for free viewing [...]

News Round Up (Mon Aug. 10, 2009)

The Dutch and some other EU members have been hesitant to let Damascus into its Mediterranean trade agreement because of its human rights violations. All other countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea are members, no matter how egregious their human rights violations are.
It might be right to keep Syria out if this were to produce results, [...]

Hariri Majority thin with Jumblatt Defection; Brits Urge Peace

Britain urges Syria to help push Mideast peace (AFP)
DAMASCUS — British Foreign Office Minister Ivan Lewis on Tuesday urged Syria to help push deadlocked Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and also resume its own negotiations with the Jewish state.
Lewis also told reporters that Israel should return the strategic Golan Heights to Syria as part of a comprehensive [...]

News Round UP (6 December 2008)

The Baby, the Bathwater, and the Freedom Agenda in the Middle East
By Michele Dunne
The Washington Quarterly, January 2009
The Arab World’s Dirty Secret: Racism
By Mona Eltahawy
Changing the Rules: The Syria Attack
By CONN HALLINAN in Counterpunch, Dec 4, 2008
….A number of hawks in the Bush Administration, in particular Deputy National Security Advisor for the Middle East, [...]

Britain and Syria Resume Intelligence Sharing

[Landis analysis] Two pieces of important news. Al-Baradei claims that the traces of uranium discovered at the Euphrates bomb site do not mean there was a reactor. He has demanded greater Syrian and Israeli cooperation. The Syrians are unlikely to allow further teams of investigators to explore Syrian sites. 
Second, Miliband, Great Britain’s foreign minister, did two important things. [...]