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Vanguard - Vanguard GNMA Fund Investor Shares Overview

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Vanguard GNMA Fund Investor Shares (VFIIX)
Fund Overview
Price as of 03/27/2008$10.42
Yield4.82% A
Average Duration* 3.1 years
Expense ratio as of 01/31/20070.21%
Inception date06/27/1980
Ticker symbolVFIIX
Newspaper abbrGNMA
Fund number0036

*Calculated according to Salomon Smith Barney™ Yieldbook.


Vanguard® GNMA Fund seeks to provide a moderate level of current income.

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Fund Style
TypeIntermediate-Term Bond
CategoryIntermediate Government


Knowing a fund's investment style can help you understand how it might fit in your portfolio. This information can also help you build a portfolio that's broadly diversified across markets and less susceptible to sharp swings in any one market area.

Bond style
Vanguard uses a 9-box grid called a "style box" to illustrate how our bond fund holdings are distributed by credit quality and average maturity. Credit quality is a measure of a bond issuer's ability to pay interest and repay principal in a timely manner. Quality ranges from Treasury bonds or agency bonds (generally the highest quality issues), investment-grade corporate (medium to high quality), and below investment grade. Average maturity is the length of time until the bonds in the fund are due to be repaid. Maturities are classified as short-, intermediate-, or long-term.

Avg. Weighted
Short Med Long    

Average Annual Returns—Updated Quarterly as of 12/31/2007

The performance data shown represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate, so that investors' shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. See performance data current to the most recent month-end. Expense ratio information can be found on the Overview page.

Important fund performance information

Display data in bar chart

 1 Year3 Year5 Year10 YearSince Inception
GNMA Fund Investor Shares7.01%4.88%4.25% 5.76%8.50%
Lehman GNMA Index*6.98%4.92%4.39%5.85% 8.90%
*Includes mortgage-backed pass-through securities of the Government National Mortgage Association; these securities are based on pools of 15- and 30-year fixed-rate home mortgages.


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