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Wade Bradford

"Ding Dong" the Improv Game

By , About.com Guide   May 7, 2011

It seems I never attend an improvisation workshop without learning a new game or theater exercise. And last night was no exception. This particular improv activity, known in most circles as "Ding Dong" involves storytelling, intense audience participation, and (of course) a great deal of silliness.

Here's how to play:

Step One: Select a volunteer from the audience (or a willing participant from the workshop members). Ask for them to talk very briefly about something that happened to them very recently. It doesn't need to be anything terribly exciting. For example, the person might say, "Well, I went to the dentist yesterday." Two or three improv actors will then begin to act out a scene, attempting to accurately dramatize the volunteer's life.

Step Two: Instruct the volunteer to say "Dong" every time the improv actors perform something that did not happen. The volunteer should shout "Ding!" whenever improv actors correctly perform what actually happened.

To extend the example of the dentist visit, the improv actors might begin a scene this way:

IMPROV ACTOR #1: I am a little afraid of being here at the dentist.


IMPROV ACTOR #2: You do look a little nervous. Let's give you some laughing gas.


IMPROV ACTOR #2: Let's give you some morphine.

IMPROV ACTOR #2: Let's use some magic rhino powder fresh from Mongolia!


IMPROV ACTOR #1: How about we just clean your teeth?


It's quick, easy and fun -- and it's the kind of game in which you inadvertently learn a lot about the volunteer's life.


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