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graph topology (Definition)

A graph $(V,E)$ is identified by its vertices $V=\{v_1,v_2,\ldots\}$ and its edges $E=\{\{v_i,v_j\},\{v_k,v_l\},\ldots\}$ . A graph also admits a natural topology, called the graph topology, by identifying every edge $\{v_i,v_j\}$ with the unit interval $I=[0,1]$ and gluing them together at coincident vertices.

This construction can be easily realized in the framework of simplicial complexes. We can form a simplicial complex $G=\left\{\{v\}\mid v\in V\right\} \cup E$ . And the desired topological realization of the graph is just the geometric realization $|G|$ of $G$ .

Viewing a graph as a topological space has several advantages:

Remark: A graph is/can be regarded as a one-dimensional $CW$ -complex.

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See Also: graph theory, graph, connected graph, quotient space, realization of a graph

Other names:  one-dimensional CW complex
Keywords:  graph topology construction, one-dimensional CW complex
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Cross-references: fundamental group, tree, connected graph, cell, graph isomorphism, simplicial complexes, interval, unit, topology, edges, vertices, graph
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This is version 7 of graph topology, born on 2003-05-08, modified 2008-09-22.
Object id is 4250, canonical name is GraphTopology.
Accessed 10047 times total.

AMS MSC05C10 (Combinatorics :: Graph theory :: Topological graph theory, imbedding)
 05C62 (Combinatorics :: Graph theory :: Graph representations )
 54H99 (General topology :: Connections with other structures, applications :: Miscellaneous)

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