The She-Bear by Warwick Goble

Il Pentamerone by Giambattista Basile

The Seven Doves by Warwick Goble

Il Pentamerone

Il Pentamerone Index

George Cruikshank's Pentamerone Illustrations

Warwick Goble's Pentamerone Illustrations

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Il Pentamerone
Illustrations by
George Cruikshank

Just click on the image to see a much larger version of the illustration.

This is the frontispiece for the book as well as an illustration for "The Stone in the Cock's Head."
This piece includes illustrations for "Peruonto" and "Vardiello."
This piece includes illustrations for "Parsley," "The Flea," and "The Three Sisters."
This piece includes illustrations for "The Booby."
This piece includes illustrations for "The Two Cakes."
This piece includes illustrations for "The Seven Doves," "The She-Bear," The Golden Root," and "Nennillo and Nennella."

These illustrations came from:

Basile, Giambattista. The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories. John Edward Taylor, translator. George Cruikshank, illustrator. Edgar Taylor, editor. London: David Bogue, 1847.

Available from

Ou tof the Woods edited by Nancy Canepa

From Court to Forest edited by Nancy Canepa



©Heidi Anne Heiner, SurLaLune Fairy Tales
Page last updated November 1, 2002 Logo