
Freyr ("Lord") was a fertility-god, god of the elves and ruler of Alfheim, god of the rain, the shining of the sun and vegetation and twinbrother of Freyja.
His parents were Skadi and Njoerd (or Njoerd and Nerthus).

His servants were Beyla, Byggvir and Skirnir.

In ancient times the gods gave him Alfheim as a tooth-gift.
He lived in Alfheim, he rodes the golden boar "Gullinbursti" and his ship was called "Skidbladnir".

Once Freyr sat on Hlidskjalf and looked over all the worlds and saw the beautiful giantess Gerdr. He immediately fell in love with her and sent his servant Skirnir (with a magic horse, a magic staff and Freyr's sword) to pleade for her hand.
*Skirnismál - The Ballad of Skirnir*
Skirnir rode to her father's house, where he offered her great gifts (the ring Draupnir, Idun's golden apples), but she always rejected him. Then he threated to kill her, but she always said no!, till the moment, Skirnir begane to curse her (he simply said that she'll become ugly and no one would ever want to marry her).
Finally she married Freyr in a wood and bare him a son called Fjölnir.

At Ragnarok he'll kill Gerdr's brother Beli, without his sword (at this moment Freyr's servant Skirnir was in possession of the sword), but in the end Surtr will kill him.

Ingunar or Igunar-Freyr were also names of Freyr.


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