Laptops, not guns

The rank and file of the Al- Qaeda must be feeling dejected now that they have a graphic picture of the lifestyle of their leader, Osama Bin Laden.

Most leaders lead from the front, by example. The Al-Qaeda may have thought that their ascetic leader was running between caves, dodging drone attacks and braving bullets for their cause; in reality he was well insulated from their mountainous tribulations.

While Osama was ensconced in a custom-built, safe house, the commoners in the Al-Qaeda were bearing the brunt of NATO bombing and shelling in the mountains, believing that their leader was sleeping on a bed of stones and rocks for their cause. Now they must be feeling disillusioned.

Let us hope they will abandon their guns and pick up laptops, to learn a new way of living.




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OBL was a crazy man, mad and insane. Whoever observed his siblings' luxurious lives in Saudi Arabia or Western countries can easily understand my point. A normal man can not leave or forsake an extremely luxurious life just for a cause (right or wrong; it's not the argument now).
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