May 15, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Bin Laden Raid Was Captured On SEAL Team Helmet Cameras

Bin Laden Raid Helmet Cam

The Huffington Post  Dean Praetorius  First Posted: 05/13/11 04:03 PM ET Updated: 05/14/11 01:12 PM ET

It seems that the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound was, in fact, captured on the helmet cameras of the Navy SEAL team that took down the terrorist leader.

According to CBS' David Martin, the entire 40-minute raid was recorded on the 25 tiny helmet cams of the SEAL Team that went in. They appear to have the whole mission covered from every angle.

From CBS News:

The SEALs first saw bin Laden when he came out on the third floor landing. They fired, but missed. He retreated to his bedroom, and the first SEAL through the door grabbed bin Laden's daughters and pulled them aside.

When the second SEAL entered, bin Laden's wife rushed forward at him -- or perhaps was pushed by bin Laden. The SEAL shoved her aside and shot bin Laden in the chest. A third seal shot him in the head.

The videos are still being scrutinized by White House security chiefs as they continue to try and assemble a more accurate depiction of what happened, according to the Daily Mail. The footage also apparently documents the moments after bin Laden was killed, as the team gathered intelligence.

Despite the video, there do not seem to be many pictures. "There were probably about maybe four, five or six photos," Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Md, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, who went to the CIA headquarters to view the photos, told CBS. "There are just a couple body shots. He was like, in a white undershirt and a tan robe."

The White House has maintained that it does not intended to release any of the photos or videos, but their existence has stirred much controversy. While the helmet cam footage will go a long way in helping to better analyze the events that transpired during the raid in Abottabad, it seems unlikely that it will ever be seen by the public.

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It seems that the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound was, in fact, captured on the helmet cameras of the Navy SEAL team that took down the terrorist leader. According to CBS' David Martin, the enti...
It seems that the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound was, in fact, captured on the helmet cameras of the Navy SEAL team that took down the terrorist leader. According to CBS' David Martin, the enti...
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You don't like my micro-bios. Stop asking for one.
0 minute ago (4:14 AM)
So what?

Americans are people who can convince themselves the moon landing was a fake.
Mongoose king
3 hours ago (1:18 AM)
Smile you are on candid camera LOL.
6 hours ago (10:36 PM)
If every detail was captured on the helmet cams, then the story about the intense firefight, and Bin Ladin using a woman as a human shield are deliberate lies! Not "misstatem­ents, errors, or the fog of war, but deliberate lies, anyway they try to spin it.
5 hours ago (11:35 PM)
You would think so, wouldn't you? The whole story is full of question marks and they've done absolutely nothing to eliminate them. It is as if they wanted it that way. If it was truly just a successful operation that killed Bin Laden, I can't figure out what they have gained by leaving so many questions unanswered­.
2 hours ago (2:12 AM)
2 hours ago (2:14 AM)
But why do you need any more details? He was killed and thats all we needed to know...
5 hours ago (11:41 PM)
Lies is a strong word and probably not warranted. Even in 2011, first reports are usually wrong. It's plausible that the video tapes had to be carefully pored over and edited to find the most pertinent images and ensure security was maintained­. In the effort to give out the informatio­n, they sacrificed speed for accuracy. Although a week sounds like sufficient time to get the details down on a single piece of paper.
4 hours ago (12:03 AM)
Where have you been? They have come out in the last 10 days saying that although there were guns in the room he was not armed. It has been reported that the only shots fired were from the separate security building. They're not trying to spin anything. You just don't pay attention to the latest news coming out of the White House. If you're waiting for them to invite you to the security meeting I think you're going to be waiting for a while. He's dead, live with it. You may never have all the details. So what. Your knowing is not important to National ecurit.
3 hours ago (1:39 AM)
You must be right, after all, I heard they made popcorn and sat down to study each individual video instead of getting the hell out of Pakistan. First reports are usually inaccurate­. Lies, on the other hand, are 'we have to stop looking for bin Laden because Saddam Hussein wants to nuke us immediatel­y and we'll attack his country first because its gonna be so easy and fast (and it's going to pay for itself in oil!).'

Big mother lies, mushroom-c­loud lies, weapons of mass destructio­n propaganda­.
8 hours ago (8:31 PM)
They will never show the video of the demise of an unarmed man
7 hours ago (9:23 PM)
Oh please, how can you defend a monster who is responsibl­e for murdering over 3000 men and women. Who tried repeatedly to murder people. Who was still planning on murdering people. A man who trained and brainwashe­d others into murdering. A man who basically declared war on the United States. Killing him was part of the war that HE declared.
Adds wisdom to knowledge
6 hours ago (9:47 PM)
You mean like how they showed the demise of thousands of unarmed citizens BinLadin was responsibl­e for ki//ng?
6 hours ago (10:37 PM)
The FBI says they have no evidence connecting Bin Ladin to 9/11. Try and keep up.
4 hours ago (12:05 AM)
You're right, but they also are not trying to hide the fact that he was unarmed.
Tom Joad
'...just a little piece of a big soul...'
9 hours ago (7:44 PM)
...we already knew they had helmet cams...we also can be certain that's what they were watching in the sitroom...­probably multiple feeds all displayed on a giant screen tv...
I think, I ponder, I am.
10 hours ago (6:11 PM)
Nice. Kinda thought so.
10 hours ago (6:00 PM)
Helmet cameras are for people who sit behind a desk a collect a government paycheck at taxpayer expense. Specials Ops do all the work while politician­s eat popcorn and watch.
5 hours ago (11:43 PM)
I would suggest that helmet cams are for the tactical guys too. Gives them a chance to review and critique their missions.
11 hours ago (4:49 PM)
This is unbelievea­ble.......­Obama Production­s Presents..­......A Liberal View of the raid, from a liberal publicatio­n and a liberal news network...­...

You have to be as stupid as the people who believe in Liberals, to post a FRIGGIN CARTOON, claiming to cover all the angles from 25 different directions­....IT's a CARTOON...­..

Also Katie Couric at the end......H­ow do you thing all the informatio­n leaked out.....Ka­tie, maybe it's part of the Vote Obama 2012 Campaign..­....OR maybe it was the person with the camera, taking pictures of "The Team" watching 38 minutes of BLANK SCREEN....­.

OBL is dead.....G­OOD......D­EAD... GOOD......­.Lets get back to all of Obama's miserable failures, Jobs, Economy, Gas Prices, National Debt.....

It took this guy 16 hrs of dicking around, to make a decision, any True American could have made in 30 seconds or less.....L­eon Panetta forced that decision..­...AND 16 hrs is nothing...­..They had an idea OBL was there since last Sept......­.Thats 8 + Months to think about making a decision that took him 16 hrs.....

Congrats to Seal Team 6, as well as all members of our Armed Forces, past and present...­..

As for the Commander in Chief, it should have been.....

Is he there???..­....Yes, 99% chance

Whats the Seals chance of having no casualties­????? .....Above Average...­..90%

Go get him......D­EAD OR ALIVE
Academic: PoliSci, Econ, & Atmospheric Chemistry
11 hours ago (5:00 PM)
Schizophas­ia much?
Baudacious Buccaneer
But where's the rum?
11 hours ago (5:39 PM)
Baudacious Buccaneer
But where's the rum?
11 hours ago (5:38 PM)
Just admit it. Navy Seals killed America's Most Wanted Criminal and Inernation­al Terrorist at Commander-­in-Chief Obama's order.

Your're jealous.
I think, I ponder, I am.
10 hours ago (6:02 PM)
I want some of the w. e. e. d. That you are smoking my man. You must have some of that Snoop Dogg industrial strength stuff. I am so jealous.
7 hours ago (9:26 PM)
Except it isn't making him feel good it is making him nasty and stupid
Tom Joad
'...just a little piece of a big soul...'
9 hours ago (7:40 PM)
...but yer not bitter...
world traveler, poet, rock star
8 hours ago (7:48 PM)
what's wrong with liberals? something I said?
Now who are you jiving with that cosmik debris?
12 hours ago (4:21 PM)
The only picture of the raid that should be released is the one that shows Osamas face the moment he realizes that his compound has been invaded by Seal team 6 and their on the way upstairs to get him. If we could get a still frame from one of the helmet cams it would be priceless!
6 hours ago (10:40 PM)
Coming soon! They will milk this right up to the election.
5 hours ago (11:07 PM)
CNN has already milked as much as possible without the cream. I guess you could call it Low Fat Bin Laden which comes in a container called "Breaking News."
This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines]
A real time waster
13 hours ago (3:27 PM)
They might as well release everything before Wikileaks beats them to the punch. Somebody somewhere is going to spill the beans.
6 hours ago (10:42 PM)
What? It wasn't Osama?
Brandon Baier
Whats Going on at Fukushima?!?!
13 hours ago (3:22 PM)
"The SEALs first saw bin Laden when he came out on the third floor landing. They fired, but missed. He retreated to his bedroom, and the first SEAL through the door grabbed bin Laden's daughters and pulled them aside."

Thats pretty funny cause they said they were trying to take him alive but they shot at him from the ground... and no one else got a shot off... come on how much of this proganda S*** are they gonna shovel???
12 hours ago (4:42 PM)
They killed him, and we don't even really know that. It could be that almost all of this silliness changing story and weird stuff about porn or using women as shields is all BS to force others in the network into showing their hands or making stupid moves. it could even be that he is alive in prison somewhere getting interrogat­ed. What a nation of dupes we seem to have become as we let our government feed us a fake reality.
8 hours ago (7:54 PM)
His wives and daughter said we killed OBL. al-Qaida in Pakistan had blown people up as revenge. And you said he is alive somewhere getting interrogat­ed. A shot in the chest might not have killed him but a shot in the head definitely killed.
5 hours ago (10:46 PM)
Well, ya gotta admit, it took the spotlight off D0n@ld, the foreclosur­es, the job situation, the debt ceiling, the wrangling over the deficit, the 8 high raking 0ffic3rs k1ll3d in @fgh@n1ist­an,0b@mas dismal ratings...­..........­.
6 hours ago (10:42 PM)
As much as the mericans will swallow.
5 hours ago (11:17 PM)
retreating into hiding is not a clear sign of surrender. hands in the air and no one would have shot.
14 hours ago (2:07 PM)
I dont get it, is everybody crazy or what? Why is everybody celibratin­g the death of another person. You should all be ashamed of what we did over there. After all it was each one of us over here that they'" The Soldiers" represente­d over there. when we jump in are cars and drive down to the convenienc­e store for a soda, cigarette'­s, news paper, what ever people when we do something like that someone somewhere is having to pay for it oneway or another. And we are supposed to be representi­ve of freedom.An I don't know about you but I don't like the taste of it in my mouth people.The lines are so blurred right now, I can't tell who is the good guy's anymore can you??
13 hours ago (2:51 PM)
Perhaps the whole premise of a "good" guy and a "bad" guy is a false premise, born out of commercial storytelli­ng tropes.
11 hours ago (4:45 PM)
Well, if he has died under other circumtanc­es I don't know that a celebratio­n would be out of order. My problem is all the strangenes­s around this whole thing from every aspect. They talked about capturing him,but they shot him unarmed, and assassinat­ion, warranted or not ... at least that is what we hear, but the world and Americans really gets no proof. It could all be baloney.

Next thing we'll start hearing about kiddie porn on his computers too.

Maybe there are no good guys, just survival or not.
7 hours ago (9:38 PM)'­s your proof...OB­L hasn't pop up somewhere and said, "The Americans didn't kill me like they said!"

If he does, then please come back and tell us it's all baloney.

How many Americans have to believe it before it's considered true? I'm sick of the moronic position of some that seems to imply that, in spite of every other piece of evidence, "unless I saw it, it can't true...", almost as sick as I am of those who somehow think OBL was entitled to a trial...OB­L didn't commit a crime, he committed acts of war, and that's how he met his end.

Those folks need to get a grip.
8 hours ago (7:59 PM)
How about the Pakis celebratin­g on the street after they heard about 911? We are not celebratin­g the death of another person. This is not just another person. This is a non-human who was only thinking of how to MASS MURDER innocent American like YOU and me and who DOESN"T CARE if OTHER MUSLIMS are killed along the way.
7 hours ago (9:29 PM)
I lost friends and co-workers on 9/11. I dug for them with my bare hands on piles of still smoking rubble, Part of that smoke was the burning bodies of innocent people, in whose eyes, OBL minions looked while sitting in the airport waiting to board the aircraft, knowing the whole time...eve­n as they didn't...t­hat they were going to end their lives that day. Children weren't going to grow up and go to their proms...sp­ouses weren't going to come home to those who loved them. All at the order of a man who didn't have the courage to die for his conviction­s, but ordered others to die...not to fight, but to die. I'm not dancing a jig in the streets that OBL is dead...jus­t as I don't celebrate when a bug gets stepped-on­...but I'm pleased as punch that he's dead.

The only crazy people here are those who find it difficult to figure out if OBL is the bad guy or not. Those Soldiers represente­d us well...unl­ike OBL, they tried to move innocents out of harm's way...OBL sought to kill as many of them as he could.

Hope you can get the help you need.
5 hours ago (10:51 PM)
Hope you can get the help you need! The F.B.I says they have no evidence linking 0s@m@ to 9/.11.Stop watching F0x News.
5 hours ago (10:47 PM)
Well, it ain't us!
15 hours ago (1:06 PM)
Video taken by the SEALs should be shown-of the wives and OBL before he was shot.
Maybe Pakistan will release their videos of interviews with the wives.
11 hours ago (4:45 PM)
It is time for some truth. I am believing less and less of this crap fed to the news.
15 hours ago (1:03 PM)
Now who are you jiving with that cosmik debris?
12 hours ago (4:09 PM)
X-box is probably making that game right now without government help!
4 hours ago (11:59 PM)
It's been out for months already, Call of Duty: Black Ops. They had the enemy labeled 'terrorist­s' in beta but had to change it for PR reasons..
Fo sheezy
2 hours ago (1:55 AM)
That was medal of honor, not Call of Duty Black ops.

The bad guys in Black Ops are the Viet Cong and Soviet Spetsnaz