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Peanut Products: 23 Surprising Non-Food Peanut Products

By , About.com Guide

Created October 03, 2010

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Peanuts may be a hidden ingredient in lipstick.

Joanne Green/ Getty Images

If you or a loved one has a peanut allergy, you are used to checking ingredient labels for peanut ingredients. But peanuts and peanut oil are also used as ingredients for non-food items. Some of these peanut products may be familiar to you – bird seed is pretty common, and usually you can actually see the peanuts in the seed mix. But peanuts may be hidden in other surprising places, and peanut ingredients may not be disclosed on non-food items.

Peanut shells or skins may be used in:

  1. Artificial fireplace logs
  2. Fiber roughage for livestock feed
  3. Kitty litter
  4. Paper
  5. Stuffing for beanbags or stuffed animals
  6. Wallboard

Peanuts themselves may be ingredients in:

  1. Axle grease
  2. Bird seed
  3. Bleach
  4. Cosmetics
  5. Detergent
  6. Explosives
  7. Face creams
  8. Ink
  9. Linoleum
  10. Medicine
  11. Metal polish
  12. Pet food
  13. Paint
  14. Rubber
  15. Shampoo
  16. Shaving cream
  17. Soap


American peanut council. Non-Food Uses for Peanuts. Accessed 10/2/2010 http://www.peanutsusa.org.uk/Europe/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.page&pid=61

Wood, Robert. Food Allergens in Non-Food Items. Accessed 10/2/2010 http://drrobertwood.com/allergens-in-nonfood-items.shtml

Related Searches artificial fireplace logs american peanut council food allergens axle grease peanut shells livestock feed

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