
Top Global Stories
Despite reports of fallout, the two countries are cooperating like never before.
Obamas hidden war
ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s government, despite publicly voicing its anger over U.S. drone attacks, appears to be allowing them at a pace that has reached its most frenetic since they began in 2004. full story
Former high-ranking military and intelligence leaders on bin Laden's death.
PAKISTAN — In the wake of the U.S. raid that killed bin Laden, trying to figure out who knew what and when among the Pakistan establishment has become something of a sport.  full story
Protests against the government's handling of the nuclear crisis are common.
Kyoto protest2 2011 05 23
KYOTO — Now that Japan’s nuclear power plants are in the international spotlight, protesters say they have a better chance to reach government officials. full story
Will Spain, Italy or Belgium be the next to fail?
Euro zone european debt crisis 05 24 2011
BRUSSELS — A series of mini economic eruptions over the past few days has added to the uncertainty prior to the G8 summit. full story

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Your Daily Intel

Germany has grounded air traffic across its northern airspace because of ash from an erupting volcano in Iceland. However air traffic is returning to normal in other parts of northern Europe, a... full story
Staging a revolution isn't cheap. To pay for their uprising, Libyan rebels broke into a Benghazi bank, where Gaddafi’s government held about $505 million. By drilling a hole in a wall... full story
It's the rebirth of Russian foreign aid. The country spent more than $470 million on foreign aid last year, highlighting its desire to maintain regional influence and rebuild its public... full story
One of Fidel Castro’s first acts upon taking power was to get rid of Cuba’s golf courses, seeking to stamp out a sport he saw as the epitome of bourgeois excess. Now, 50 years later... full story
17 lost pyramids have now been found. A new satellite survey of Egypt reportedly found 17 lost pyramids along with more than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements. The survey used infra... full story

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