R.W. Sanders

R.W. Sanders


A Progressive Call to Arms for Southwest Missouri

Posted: 05/24/11 05:47 PM ET

Eric Cantor, majority leader of the House of Representatives, rather glibly said this week that no aid should go to Joplin, Missouri unless budget cuts were made to offset the cost. This is a case of blatant dogma overriding common sense. But the even more alarming fact is that many residents of Southwest Missouri will never know Cantor uttered those words.

Where Are The Progressives?

In many of the counties of Southwest Missouri, the cable television companies do not offer MSNBC, or any other contrary view to oppose Fox News. I am aware of one community of approximately 30,000 who have every Fox channel available and CNN. Otherwise they must search out PBS or C-Span to ever hear a progressive opinion. I communicate regularly with several people in that vicinity and have often been shocked at their unawareness of current events. Anything of a progressive attitude simply is not broadcast. Only those with satellite television ever hear an opposing opinion to the conservative propaganda. Is it any wonder that this region always votes primarily Republican? Every election day, Southwest Missouri is painted bright red. The networks would paint this region even before the polls closed if they were allowed. They would never be wrong.

Would Better Awareness Make A Difference?

Those who populate the hills of the Ozark Mountains are well known as a rugged, rather skeptical sort. It is, after all, the Show Me state. So I cannot claim that exposure to an opposing view to the Limbaugh's of the airwaves, would create more progressives in Southwest Missouri. But I can claim that without better exposure to a progressive point of view, we will never know if more progressives would appear. The more knowledge one possesses, the better decision will be made. Whether this decision leans left or right, it will not be an ignorant guess. In many cases, residents of this region are making uninformed political choices.

So What Can Be Done?

If you are of a progressive leaning, and you know anyone in Tornado Alley, make sure that you inform them of Eric Cantor's words, and the attitudes of those in Washington who consider them expendable. It is only fair that these people are aware that some politicians do not have their best interests at heart. So make calls, compose emails, or even send tweets. Use whatever means at your disposal to inform those who might not be aware. Only by word of mouth, which people trust, can citizens begin to reclaim their political viability. The corporations have the money, but the people have the social networks that can defeat them.

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